11 clear signs that you are a low EQ

Scientists found that: EQ is the key to helping a person succeed. This connection is so strong that 90% of successful people have a high EQ.

Emotional intelligence ( EI ) is often used under the meaning of each individual's emotional intelligence ( EQ ), describing emotional recognition, understanding meaning and recognizing effects. their movements for those around them. Emotionally intelligent people often succeed in life because they make people feel comfortable when they interact with them.

When emotional intelligence ( EQ ) was discovered, it helped scientists explain the phenomenon of mystery: the success rate of people with average IQ is 70% higher than those with IQ high. This abnormality makes many people reevaluate the view that " IQ is the only cause of success ".

After decades of research, scientists discovered: " EQ is the key to helping a person succeed. This link is so strong, 90% of successful people have a high EQ. ".

Picture 1 of 11 clear signs that you are a low EQ

EQ influences the way we control behavior, locate complex social relationships and make personal decisions to achieve positive results. Although EQ is important, there is no way to know if you have a high or low EQ and what you can do to improve.

Unlike IQ, EQ is something that can be practiced . By identifying low EQ signs and eliminating them, you can improve your emotional intelligence. By analyzing research from millions of people, scientists have found the disadvantages that high EQ indexes don't have. Here are 11 signs you need to remove if you want to improve your EQ . Invite you to consult!

1. Easy to be stressed

Picture 2 of 11 clear signs that you are a low EQ

When you try to repress your emotions, you are often in a state of stress and anxiety. Unresolved emotions will make your body and mind feel stressed. People with high EQ always know how to control stress better by detecting and handling difficult situations before things get worse. In contrast, people with low EQ often only rely on less effective emotional controls. They tend to feel anxious, depressed, substance abuse or even attempt to commit suicide twice as much as others.

2. Feeling difficult in asserting yourself

Picture 3 of 11 clear signs that you are a low EQ

People with high EQ know how to balance empathy, softness with their ability to assert themselves and establish clear boundaries. This balanced combination is the ideal formula for handling conflicts. When a person is agitated, a normal reaction tends to become negative or passive. But people with high EQ maintain their balance and assert themselves by eliminating the emotional response. This allows them to disable fastidious and mean people without creating enemies.

3. There is limited vocabulary about emotions

Picture 4 of 11 clear signs that you are a low EQ

All of us have emotions, but only a few people can accurately identify emotions when they appear. Research shows that only 36% of respondents can do this. Therefore, this skill is important because unrecognized emotions are often misunderstood, leading to irrational choices and wrong decisions.

People with high EQ can master their emotions because they understand them and have a broad vocabulary of emotions. While many people describe their feelings with simple words such as " not good " or " bad ", people with high EQ can identify themselves as " annoyed ", "good". worry ". The more specific words you use, the better you understand the emotions, the causes and how to handle them.

4. Quickly give opinions and try to protect them

Picture 5 of 11 clear signs that you are a low EQ

People with low EQ often quickly come up with opinions and then get stuck with those prejudices. They only care about the evidence that supports their point of view but ignore the critical evidence. Moreover, they will find ways to protect their views. This is especially dangerous for leaders, when their wrong views become a collective strategy.

Emotionally intelligent people think better because they know that the initial reactions are motivated by emotions. They give mind to development time, consider consequences and critical arguments. Then, express your views as effectively as possible, while still considering the needs and views of the listeners.

5. Hold enmity

Picture 6 of 11 clear signs that you are a low EQ

Over a period of time, holding on to hostility will cause stress, negatively affecting health. When thinking about a feud, your body will activate the reaction mode, a survival mechanism that forces you to stand up and fight in the face of risks.

When faced with threats, this reaction is necessary to ensure survival for itself. However, when the threat is just a feud from before, holding on to it will seriously damage your health over time.

In fact, researchers at Emory University have shown that prolonged stress contributes to high blood pressure and heart disease. Holding enmity means maintaining stress and emotionally intelligent people know how to avoid this at all costs. Let go of resentment not only helps you feel better but also improves your health.

6. Don't ignore mistakes

Picture 7 of 11 clear signs that you are a low EQ

People with high EQ are not obsessed with mistakes. They let go but did not forget. That way, they can draw on the experience from mistakes to achieve future success. This is like balancing between obsession with mistakes and forgetting mistakes.

When obsessed with mistakes will make you feel insecure or scared, but forgetting mistakes completely makes you easily repeat them. The secret to balance lies in the ability to turn failure into a lesson that promotes progress. This will help people get up quickly when they fail.

7. Frequently misunderstood

Picture 8 of 11 clear signs that you are a low EQ

When the EQ index is low, you will find it difficult to communicate with others. Always feel misunderstood because you cannot convey the message the way others understand. Even in fact, even high EQ holders understand that they cannot always present ideas perfectly. However, people with high EQ know when others do not understand themselves, they will adjust the way of communicating and communicating ideas so others can understand.

8. Don't know what motivates yourself

Picture 9 of 11 clear signs that you are a low EQ

Everyone has something that motivates themselves, such as situations and types of people who make themselves feel and act. People with high EQ know how to identify these triggers and use their acquired knowledge to control their emotions in situations and people who incite them.

9. Don't get angry

Picture 10 of 11 clear signs that you are a low EQ

Emotional intelligence does not mean that you should always be friendly but control your emotions to achieve the best results possible. Sometimes this means, let others see you are sad, frustrated or angry. Always hiding your emotions with a happy and positive appearance is not always good. A person with a high EQ index consciously uses negative and positive emotions according to the appropriate situation.

10. Blame others for making you uncomfortable

Picture 11 of 11 clear signs that you are a low EQ

Emotion from the inside. You have to be responsible for your feelings even if it comes from someone else's actions. No one can make you feel uncomfortable or happy if you don't want to. Blaming others only makes you stagnant.

11. Easy self-love

Picture 12 of 11 clear signs that you are a low EQ

If you really understand yourself, you will not be easy to be narcissistic about the sarcastic words and actions of others. People with high EQ are confident, open-minded and have " thick " face skin. They even make fun of themselves or let others tease, because they can distinguish the boundaries between humor and offense.


Unlike IQ, your EQ is very easy to bend . When exercising the brain by constantly doing smart actions, it will gradually form good habits. When the brain reinforces the use of new behaviors, old support connections and destructive behavior are lost. Soon, you start reacting to your surroundings with emotional intelligence without having to think about it.

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Having fun!

Update 24 May 2019


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