Question set to test your EQ test P1

EQ stands for Emotional Quotient which means emotional index - A quantitative trait that is used to measure a person's imagination and creativity. People with high EQ are able to recognize, evaluate and regulate their emotions and people very well, so often become good leaders. To check your EQ index, the Network Administrator will send you the interesting questions on this topic.
  1. Question 1. Your pet cat runs out and gets "meat", you:
    1. Run home crying
    2. Find ways to "avenge" the culprit
    3. Courage "accept pain"
  2. Question 2. The pan catches fire when you are cooking, you:
    1. Remove the pan and place a damp cloth on it
    2. Run around and shout: "Fire! Fire!"
    3. Turn the saucepan over to the sink and think it is right to fire it
  3. Question 3. A long-time lady who does not meet suddenly appears at her door:
    1. Surprised and invited her in
    2. Hold her tight
    3. Dumbfounded, saying "not to speak"
  4. Question 4. A tape is tangled in the cassette player, you:
    1. Take out the tape carefully
    2. Call the manufacturer, claim compensation
    3. Swearing the whole world
  5. Question 5. You send the car in the park and can't find it, you:
    1. Calm down and try to see if it's mixed
    2. Tell the police that your car has been stolen
    3. Crying and visualizing the worst
  6. Question 6. You buy an expensive vase and drop it, it breaks, you:
    1. Just scolded and cursed
    2. Just cry
    3. Accept the reality and save money to buy a new one
  7. Question 7. You watch a movie very sad, you:
    1. Wipe off a box of tissues
    2. Change to another channel
    3. Remind yourself "that is just on film"
  8. Question 8. Your white dress turns red after washing, you:
    1. Try to remove the red
    2. Ask the adult what to do
    3. Kick the washing machine and sulk
  9. Question 9. The letter that you wrote for "people" in your pocket has the nickname "News of the Time", you:
    1. Begged it
    2. Ask him to declare: "Why does it have this letter"
    3. Go crazy and chase it away
  10. Question 10. The first time friends celebrate your birthday, you:
    1. As if floating up into the clouds and extremely excited
    2. Touched and said: I thought nobody would notice
    3. Smoothly crying
  11. Question 11. Latest fashion trends:
    1. Are things in your wardrobe (or at least the best ones)
    2. The money making machines called 'capitalists' - the sight of 'inferior' girls
    3. Great, you also hope to get some trendy ones
  12. Question 12. You are on your way home from school and catching a wallet has quite a lot of money in it. What you will do?
    1. Give it to the police
    2. Bring home and ask relatives
    3. Take that money and put the wallet back
  13. Question 13. While your parents are away, you hold a party and some things are out of your control. The window is broken. When your parents come back and ask what happened to the window, what would you say to them?
    1. Truth
    2. You say that a friend breaks them when doing something to kill time, but you will skip the party
    3. You pretend you wake up one morning and the window has been broken since
  14. Question 14. You have a small friend to cut your hair. She thought the hairstyle was very beautiful, but she thought it looked like a poodle When you ask if you like the new hairstyle, how will you respond?
    1. 'You are beautiful'
    2. 'Nice, and it will look better when your hair is a little longer.'
    3. 'It really doesn't show your beauty'
  15. Question 15. Choose 1 of 2 answers (a / b) at your discretion, for each pair of clauses
    1. Quality of life is physical enough, not mental
    2. The quality of life is essential, not nominally heavy
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