10 reasons you should sign up for a swimming course this summer

The summer is coming and you are wondering whether to register for a swimming class? The following 10 reasons will help you decide to LEARN right away without further hesitation!

Swimming is also considered a perfect physical training activity. Because if you swim regularly, you can get all the same benefits as having a regular exercise without having a joint injury. This is a sport suitable for both children and the elderly, which is prioritized by athletes thanks to the ability to enhance physical strength and maintain shape, not require any support tools, simple Just you and the cool blue water.

However, swimming does not stop at these benefits but it also has a deep impact on the whole body and the following 10 reasons will prove to you.

1. Swimming helps to shape and enhance muscle strength

Swimming helps you develop muscles comprehensively, especially forming muscle groups that help move easily in the water. During the swimming, you will have to step on your legs, fan your hands, your back to relax and rotate your belly to combine to strengthen your legs and keep your body stable. Because of this, swimming is one of the best aerobic exercises to help you have a healthy body as you want. Michael Phelp is a typical if you need someone to inspire.

Picture 1 of 10 reasons you should sign up for a swimming course this summer

2. Swimming helps strong bones

For years, researchers have dismissed the belief that swimming helps bones stay strong and that only heavy exercise can do this. However, according to a study published by the Journal of Applied Physiology, there are moral reasons that the implementation of deep experiments on human bones is prevented. The investigation had to be done on the mouse. The study divided the mouse into 3 groups: Running, swimming and a group under control does not include physical activity. While the running group maintained the highest BMD (bone density index) ratio, the swimmer group was higher than the control group in both BMD and femoral weight. Obviously, this has demonstrated the positive effects of swimming on bone and, of course, it also needs more research to make sure.

3. Swimming helps the body supple

When swimming, you have to stretch yourself, lean over, turn and push yourself through the water. Your ankles now look like fish fins and it will be stretched out every time you snap to counteract the pressure of the water. This does not mean that you cannot lean on yourself that such repetition will make your body much more flexible.

Picture 2 of 10 reasons you should sign up for a swimming course this summer

4. Swimming helps reduce inflammation

Inflammation is one of the causes of atherosclerosis and the enhancement of aerobic activities such as swimming will contribute to limiting this situation through practical benefits to the heart. circuit. At the same time, preventing the occurrence of inflammation will also help prevent the development of other diseases.

5. Swimming helps burn calories

We all know that swimming is one of the great ways to burn calories, but not everyone knows its effects can be as effective as jumping on a treadmill. However, the amount of calories burned will depend on the type of swimming as well as the frequency of each person's workout.

In addition, working hard will help you not to worry about sweat flowing down your eyes because most of them have been released during your movement in the water. For example, backstroke helps burn 60 calories in 10 minutes, 80 calories for frog swimming, 100 calories for free swimming and about 150 high for butterfly swimming. Therefore, spending 30 minutes of butterfly swimming will be more effective than running for the same period of time.

6. Improve asthma

No matter which sport you practice, it will be very annoying if it doesn't improve your breath. Unlike when practicing in the gym or when you have to suffer from allergies to seasonal pollen, swimming helps you to exercise in humid air conditions. Not only that, a new study also showed that swimming actually helps improve the overall condition of the lungs when a group of children completes a six-week swimming program that has been tested with displacement. marked reduction in the severity of snoring symptoms, oral breathing and reduced frequency of hospitalization. These benefits are still recorded a year after the course ends.

Picture 3 of 10 reasons you should sign up for a swimming course this summer

If you do not have asthma, regular swimming will also help you breathe better and more evenly.

7. Swimming reduces stress and stress

While many articles say running helps create more endorphins, swimming also offers similar benefits. In addition to happy hormones, swimming also helps you feel the same relaxation as when practicing Yoga. As mentioned above, swimming helps stretch the body continuously in combination with a deep breath that gives a complete sense of relaxation - something that is usually only when a sport is played.

In addition, swimming can help you calm down because the sound of the breath and the movement of water will increase the concentration on the inside instead of being obsessed with troubles. Thus, stress and pressure will be released naturally. In addition, a study also showed that swimming helps repair stress-induced brain damage by producing new cells in the hippocampus (Hippocampal Neurogenesis). Next time, if you feel the spirit is "downhill", jump right into a swimming pool if you want to quickly get out of that state.

8. Swimming in salt water is good for the skin

Swimming in salt water will keep the skin moisturized and detoxify, contributing to promoting new cell production. Surely you will be surprised because your skin becomes softer and healthier.

Picture 4 of 10 reasons you should sign up for a swimming course this summer

9. Swimming makes you smarter

Certainly, exercise is good for thinking, but is swimming really helping you to be smarter? A study conducted in Australia showed that children who learn to swim often have better ability to develop language, motor skills, confidence and physicality with a group of children who are not involved in swimming. In addition, swimming also helps develop math skills.

10. Swimming helps prolong life

Swimming is one of the exercises to help you live healthier and longer. A 32-year study at the University of South Carolina, conducted with 40,547 men aged between 20 and 90, found that swimmers had a 50% lower mortality rate than runners. , walking and people who do not practice any physical activity.

Update 24 May 2019


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