7 daily routines can ruin your health
It will be difficult to give up bad habits, especially when we confuse those habits as well without knowing how it will damage the body. On the Bright Side page, you can read 7 daily habits that can be harmful to health that many of us often do.
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1. Prevent yourself when you want to sneeze
7 daily routines can ruin your health Picture 1 © onedio
When closing your mouth and squeezing your nose to try to prevent sneezing, the pressure inside our skull increases. Blood flow in the brain is blocked, blood vessels and nerve tissue are pinched. This leads to headaches, blood vessel damage and even hearing problems. If you still do it often, stop now!
2. Use perfume
7 daily routines can ruin your health Picture 2 © Constantin Film
Synthetic chemicals are often used to make perfumes because they produce stronger aromas and are cheaper than natural oils. These synthetic substances can cause headaches, nausea and make the body languid. Moreover, they also irritate or irritate the eyes, throat and skin. Therefore, it is better to use natural oils or just use perfume in places with open air.
3. Keep food in plastic bags
7 daily routines can ruin your health Picture 3 © depositphotos
Many plastic containers contain artificial chemicals such as phthalates ( a group of chemicals used to soften and increase the flexibility of plastic and vinyl ) and bisphenols ( BPA - used in manufacturing Polycarbonates, many types of canned foods, if used, can contain certain residues of bisphenol A and can stop contaminated foods when used to contain food ) to help maintain their flexibility. them. If you keep long foods in plastic containers, artificial chemicals can enter food. When swallowing foods containing these substances, they will affect the endocrine system. Your advice is to store food with glass, stainless steel or ceramic materials. In addition, you should also pay attention to the above symbols, it provides you with the necessary information on how to use these food containers.
- Safe for storing products : Safe when storing food.
- Can be reheated in the microwave : Can be heated by a microwave.
- Can be frozen : Can be put in the refrigerator.
- Maximum heating temperature : Withstand the maximum temperature of 120 degrees C.
4. Brush your teeth immediately after eating
7 daily routines can ruin your health Picture 4 © Warner Bros
Dentists recommend that you brush your teeth at least 30 minutes after eating . If possible, brushing your teeth after eating an hour is much better. Because you know, food and drinks, especially those with high acids - will affect tooth enamel as well as dentin. The movement of the toothbrush inadvertently pushes the acid deeper into the dentin. This leads to high sensitivity and destruction of tooth enamel.
5. Use antibacterial soap regularly
7 daily routines can ruin your health Picture 5 © Mike Mozart
A large number of beneficial bacteria that live on the surface of our skin play a protective role. If we use regular antibacterial soaps, disinfect our hands, it may create a chance for harmful bacteria to enter our body. So dermatologists recommend that we use antibacterial soap for wounds, scratches or bruises.Do not use antibacterial soap to wash your hands more than 2 times a week.
6. Wearing tight pants
7 daily routines can ruin your health Picture 6 © Tony Meadows
Although bodywear may be fashionable but wearing tight clothing will tighten your skin, affecting your nerves. This causes unpleasant sensations that can lead to nervous system problems. However, that's not enough, wearing tight pants also reduces the amount of air circulating to your feet, causing itching and eventually numbness.
7. Drink fresh fruit juice
7 daily routines can ruin your health Picture 7 © HannahWebb
Not everyone knows that fresh fruit juice is only good for the body in a small amount. In some cases, fresh fruit juice even seriously harms the body. For example: grape juice is not recommended for overweight people or people with diabetes. Moreover, juice is a strong allergen. So be careful when giving your baby a drink: pay attention to a small dose and, if possible, consult your doctor first.
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