Yahoo closed more unnecessary services

People Search, Yahoo Voices, Xobni and many other services have been declared closed by Yahoo due to ineffective operation or better alternative products.

People Search, Yahoo Voices, Xobni and many other services have been declared closed by Yahoo due to ineffective operation or better alternative products.

Picture 1 of Yahoo closed more unnecessary services

Yahoo has just announced that it will close some services that are no longer effective. In an article on Tumblr , Jay Rossiter , a leader of Yahoo's Cloud Platform Group division, said they did so because they wanted to focus their energy on the company's core products.

Some typical services that will be closed this time include:

  1. People Search: with the current Yahoo Search feature, users can find people, blogs, places, maps or anything else, so People Search 's existence is considered unnecessary. half. The product started to stop operating on July 2.
  1. Xobni: announced in July 2013, but so far Yahoo has closed and Smartr Product Suite. However, Yahoo does not forget to reassure users that some of Xobni's outstanding features will be integrated into Yahoo Mail and in the future the company's mail platform will give users more experience. The product started to stop operating on July 2.
  1. Yahoo Toolbar on Chrome: this function will be removed from the Chrome Store from July 22 in accordance with the recent Google Chrome update policy. Instead of providing extensions for Chrome, Yahoo will give you quick access to their services when opening a new tab on Chrome.
  1. Yahoo Shine: this service is officially retired by Yahoo on June 31. Instead, Yahoo will focus on Yahoo Beauty and Yahoo Travel with many new features, better and more diverse images on topics with strong editing capabilities for users and attractive integrated ads. than.
  1. Yahoo Voices and Yahoo Contributor Network services will also be shut down by Yahoo.

The article by Jay Rossiter on Tumblr adds that some services such as, Research Reports and Newlook Service are also on Yahoo's closure route.

Yahoo is struggling to find the glory in the past, the time when Yahoo was seen as a portal of every website. To do so, Yahoo is currently focusing on areas such as Search, Communications, Digital Magazines and Video.

Update 25 May 2019


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