Yahoo CEO has found a way to 'surpass' Google

At CES, the largest technology conference took place in Las Vegas, Yahoo's CEO, Marissa Mayer, announced: Yahoo has just bought Aviate, a company that provides contextual search and organization services for users. Mobile phone use.

At CES, the largest technology conference took place in Las Vegas, Yahoo's CEO, Marissa Mayer, announced: Yahoo has just bought Aviate, a company that provides contextual search and organization services for users. Mobile phone use.

Search by context is an important business deal with big tech firms. Google, Microsoft's, Bing, Apple and Facebook are all trying to develop contextual or semantic search technology.

Picture 1 of Yahoo CEO has found a way to 'surpass' Google

Basically, search in a different context than the usual search you usually see on Google. When searching on Google, Google tries to guess what you mean, based on signals in your previous searches or in the data store that search engines can access. Rather than simply relying on keyword compatibility and ranking the links found. This search is also known as underground search.

For Aviate , the search results will be available on your phone's home screen, based on the best guess you want to find at that moment.

Mayer said: ' If you have a search history about stocks on your phone, you can' wake up with the stock screen instead of having to slide the app search screen. Imagine that your phone can give you an experience of what you want at that time instead of going looking for it . '

The problem that Mayer is trying to fix is ​​right on your phone: ' Many applications are downloaded to your device, but you rarely use it. Occasionally, you have to slide through a few screens that contain little-used applications and then go to what you want . "

Speaking to attendees, Mayer said: ' The future of search is contextual knowledge, we are investing in a part of the future '.

Of course, such search functionality will go ahead of Google Play Store and Apples App Store by determining what you will search before you have to access other search functions. And obviously, Mayer has worked for Google and played an important role in developing Google's search technology - so she knows very well, how could this application hurt Google.

Mayer also shared that, with the desire to improve search quality, Yahoo conducted 600 experiments on user experience using Yahoo search, and Yahoo also had 869 partners in the search for links.

Update 25 May 2019


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