With this method only 66 days help you give up bad habits

To form a bad habit that took 66 days and to give it up, it took you another 66 days. So, to start and give up your wasted bad habit takes 132 days in your life, so start giving up the bad habit with our 66-day method.

You often try to set a goal to give up some bad habit , and the results are not as expected, always going to a dead end. Have you ever thought of any reason why you could not give up that bad habit? The problem here, is that your determination is not big enough, it may be that your habit is deeply ingrained in your subconscious, or because you give up too soon that you cannot easily give up. It's like you think. To win with yourself, you need to try and be determined to give up that bad habit as soon as possible.

Recently, a group of researchers from London have shown that people take about 66 days to form new habits . Similarly, if you are not involved in addiction, have help from people, then within 66 days, you can also give up such a bad habit .

Picture 1 of With this method only 66 days help you give up bad habits

Where do bad habits come from? It forms through rounds of repeating our hard-to-control habits . For example, one day you feel stressed, you decide to surf Facebook or Zalo to chat with your friends or you can sit and eat sweet cakes. In the days that followed, those bad habits were gradually ingrained in our brains, so you always thought, " Go ahead and eat, I deserve to eat ." Then our brain continues to receive, whether it is a bad or good habit, so it will increase that behavior more. At that time, giving it up from your brain is a very difficult problem, and the cause of your failure.

With the 66-day method, it may seem like a long time at first glance, but there are specific stages you will experience that make this process shorter. Those are the following stages:

Day 1 - Day 10: Look at reality, analyze the cause

At these 10 days you will have to face the reality, you will see bad habits that have affected your life, bad consequences and harms that constantly appear in work or family. friend.

For example, when you rush to work because you are late or late for an important appointment, you will drive really fast in time, but unfortunately cause you consequences such as traffic accidents, penalties for driving. speed. Or when you are stressed, you will eat a lot of chocolate, causing you to gain weight. After looking at the current situation, helping you to analyze the source of the bad habits you are encountering, will give you a more accurate, insightful view of the impact of that bad habit on your life. how are you From there, you will be motivated to give up that habit.

Picture 2 of With this method only 66 days help you give up bad habits

Day 11 - 40: Seek help from people around

When the race is close to the sprint steps, the more you need to try, the better way you should inform everyone, about the habit you are trying to give up and seek help from them. When informing everyone you have to show people how you are trying and determined to do it, so everyone around can trust and will definitely remind you, if you are repeating those bad habits. The most important thing is that you yourself, always remind them to always be able to help you anywhere.

Day 41- Day 66: Pay attention to the factors that make you recurrent habits

The old people have the phrase " Idleness of unwholesome " and idle things are also factors that make you return to the old path that you are trying to abandon. Therefore, you should always try to stay away from idle, making you fall into the initial state, all the time you try to become a zero.

Give yourself healthy work, playful things every time you have free time. It is this busyness that will keep you from remembering those bad habits, gradually you will forget it in the past, no longer bothering your life.

Day 67 onwards: Enjoy the results you have achieved

Picture 3 of With this method only 66 days help you give up bad habits

It is worth to give up a bad habit to be proud, right? During a long process of you and the help of everyone, you have tried to fight to help you overcome difficulties and struggles to be successful as it is now.

After the 66-day process of giving up this bad habit, try to continue to give up bad habits, making your life more fun. Remember, to form a bad habit takes 66 days and to give it up, it takes 66 days. So, to start and give up a bad habit, you've wasted 132 days in your life, so consider it before forming a bad habit.

Good luck!

Update 24 May 2019


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