8 extremely bad habits in the morning make you tired all day
Not only searching and starting to practice good habits in the morning, we also have to make efforts to eliminate some of these bad habits to start a more exciting new day.
Let's check out what bad habits you have and start changing tomorrow!
1. The alarm goes off, opens the eyes, turns off the clock and holds the phone right away!
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Do not use the phone when you wake up in the morning
The phone is important to us but doesn't mean to use it anywhere, anytime. However, many people who have a habit of waking up in the morning are holding the phone right away: checking Facebook, email, replying to messages yesterday before reading, surfing the web, playing games . Even, many girls do not miss the opportunity to "take a selfie" some photos on the bed and post them on Facebook!
This is a very bad habit that we need to avoid. Because once we pick up the phone, we tend to delay getting out of bed and consuming the "leftover" energy of last night . Instead, read a book, meditate or try some yoga exercises in your bed!
2. Exercise when you're hungry
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Make sure you don't feel hungry when exercising
Exercise in the morning is a very good habit for the body. But this does not mean that we can practice without forgetting about "lining up" before practicing. According to many experts, nutritional supplementation before causing the body to sweat will increase metabolic activity and provide enough energy to consume for intense exercises.
3. Skip breakfast
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Eat a full breakfast
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Many people often take the excuse of not wanting to eat, being unfamiliar or afraid of late working hours to explain this harmful habit. However, you forget that this is the reason for a lack of energy and inefficient work in the morning!
4. Eat breakfast containing too much carbohydrate
Foods rich in carbohydrates can help you replenish energy but they are consumed very quickly so soon you will feel hungry and sleepy. So, choose a high-fiber breakfast and protein with some nuts instead.
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Eat plenty of protein and fiber foods in the morning
In addition, you should not eat more shrimp noodles in the morning . Because eating a lot of shrimp noodles means adding lots of carbohydrates and fat to the body. This leads to high levels of fat and calories, increasing the risk of obesity-related diseases such as cardiovascular or diabetes .
5. Bedroom lacks light
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Open the window in the morning
Many people have a habit of closing windows and rarely open them after waking up. However, the lack of light and ventilation in the bedroom will make you more sleepy and the risk of sleeping is also greatly increased. So start tomorrow, open the window and receive the first rays of the day!
6. Drink coffee before breakfast
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Drink coffee after eating
According to one study, drinking coffee immediately after waking up without giving your body a certain amount of food will cause your body to become restless and uncomfortable. This will increase distraction and fatigue throughout the day.
7. Negative
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Start the morning with a happy mood
You have just woken up and felt uncomfortable because last night anyone had to turn off the fan, throw things out of place, lose electricity, lose water, run out of toilet paper . and you started frowning! Don't start the day with negative emotions or argue for anything, because your body is not really ready. Instead, choose and think about fun things. A piece of music, meditation or yoga . are perfect substitutes!
8. Hot bath
Using hot water to bathe in winter seems like a reward for those who are determined to get out of bed and get up early on cold days. However, be careful! Hot water will cause quite a lot of problems as your skin will become dry and can cause itching.
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Do not shower too hot in the morning
Although the first signs of the coming summer have begun and you can replace warm water with cool water but for those who still maintain the habit of taking a hot bath in the morning, pay attention to this.
You should read it
- The best food to eat at breakfast
- If you do not want to reduce life expectancy, you should give up early 5 habits later in the morning
- 25 good habits to start a new day full of energy
- 11 bad habits that affect health that we need to fix right away
- 9 bad habits should be removed immediately if you don't want to get in trouble
- 8 simple habits of happy people
- 10 good habits you should do before 10 am
- Decode misconceptions about health
- 7 habits are 'silently killing' you every day
- 4 evening habits of successful people, you know yet?
- 7 absolute habits should not be done after waking up in the morning
- 9 simple habits that can change your life become better
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