If you keep these 10 habits, you will never get rich!

There are habits that make you work hard but not accumulate how much and in the end you can only look up at the rich people with sad eyes. If you keep these 10 habits, you will never get rich!
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Each of us has our own way of getting rich. Some people are lucky enough to invest a bit of Bitcoin at a price of $ 1 / coin and now it's nearly $ 20,000. Someone who is active, plows and sharpens opportunities. However, both types of people make certain mistakes, making them not really saving money .

For those who are already rich, it is okay, but for the rich, it is a problem because they can do hard but not retain much.

Tom Corley - a famous investment economist who conducted a five-year study of the difference in behavior between the rich and the rich , finally came up with some very interesting conclusions.

According to Tom Corley, wealthy people often make some fundamental mistakes, making them never rich if they continue. Therefore, we will disclose to you 10 things to stop doing immediately if you want to get richer . Invite you to consult!

1. Don't want to meet new people

If you keep these 10 habits, you will never get rich! Picture 1If you keep these 10 habits, you will never get rich! Picture 1 © depositphotos

Wealthy people often enjoy meeting people around, adding new relationships. Tom Corley's research shows that 68% of rich people like to meet new people but only 11% of the poor have such habits.

Most people who have a strong financial background often spend a lot of their time making a good impression on those who just met. They do not forget to add new relationships and find ways to more closely connect with old people whenever they have the opportunity. Having a large network of relationships is extremely important for everyone's career.

2. Believe in fate

If you keep these 10 habits, you will never get rich! Picture 2If you keep these 10 habits, you will never get rich! Picture 2 © depositphotos

Of course fortunes and luck can help you, but it's really rare that luck makes you rich . It's like choosing between a red dress and a blue dress. When it comes to really important issues, rich people think they should define their own paths.

However, in fact, 90% of the poor often blame fate , unhappiness and other factors they cannot control. To prove it, they often spend money . watching fortune telling or buying lottery, instead of using their own knowledge to invest in a methodical way.

3. Bored at your current job

If you keep these 10 habits, you will never get rich! Picture 3If you keep these 10 habits, you will never get rich! Picture 3 © depositphotos

" I love my job! " - this is the confession of 85% of people with a strong financial background. Meanwhile, the poor see their work as a burden.

With such an attitude, it is not surprising that your income does not increase.If you don't like the work you're doing, it's best to do something that changes, instead of sitting silently .

4. Not interested in health

If you keep these 10 habits, you will never get rich! Picture 4If you keep these 10 habits, you will never get rich! Picture 4 © depositphotos

The rich often spend a lot of time caring for their health . This includes periodic health examinations, reasonable eating, exercise ( 76% of successful people exercise 4 times a week) and avoid bad habits. Meanwhile, only 13% of the poor see the link between health and success.

5. Don't dare to take risks

If you keep these 10 habits, you will never get rich! Picture 5If you keep these 10 habits, you will never get rich! Picture 5 © depositphotos

Only 6% of the poor are willing to take risks to improve their financial situation , while more than 50% of the rich participating in the experiment agree to face that risk.

Moreover, most rich people have at least one failure, but they try to learn from failure , instead of despair and sit silently. That is the attitude needed to become richer.

6. See the reality show

If you keep these 10 habits, you will never get rich! Picture 6If you keep these 10 habits, you will never get rich! Picture 6 © ТНТ © Channe National Geographic

Among those who are not rich, 78% of viewers want to learn more about the private life of others. As for the rich, only about 6% see reality shows. It is worth mentioning here that the rich do not like to watch TV much and many of them often watch less than 1 hour / day. With the Internet too, successful people often spend less than an hour surfing the net unless they are involved in their work.

7. Read too little

If you keep these 10 habits, you will never get rich! Picture 7If you keep these 10 habits, you will never get rich! Picture 7 © depositphotos

" Do not read, that is not thinking " - writer Dostoyevsky once said. 88% of the rich agree with this.

Of course, there are people who are richer not because of reading, but that doesn't mean you have the right to allow yourself to be lazy. They often read books about useful knowledge, including the previous life experiences of pioneers, skill books, professional materials and historical documents; at least 30 minutes / day.Reading is only beneficial, not harmful . However, only 2% of the poor spend time reading every day.

8. Get up late

If you keep these 10 habits, you will never get rich! Picture 8If you keep these 10 habits, you will never get rich! Picture 8 © depositphotos

More than 50% of Corley's wealthy entrepreneurs often wake up at least 3 hours before the start of the working day at 5 am. Around this time, they will plan the day, do some personal work, exercise .

Some people also spend 10-15 minutes meditating or simply thinking about something in silence.Getting up early does not mean getting enough sleep . 89% of rich people sleep between 7 and 8 hours a night and they go to bed at the time recommended between 9 and 10 pm.

9. Socializing with bad people

If you keep these 10 habits, you will never get rich! Picture 9If you keep these 10 habits, you will never get rich! Picture 9 © depositphotos

96% of poor people like to gossip or sit about complaining about current life . However, successful people don't, they play with more optimistic people who can inspire their lives.

You can easily increase the number of people around by visiting cultural events, volunteering or being a member of a non-profit organization. You should take time for yourself until you meet people who have time for you.

10. Spending too much

If you keep these 10 habits, you will never get rich! Picture 10If you keep these 10 habits, you will never get rich! Picture 10 © .depositphotos

Most people who are not rich often spend more than they can earn . They buy expensive cars and pay with credit cards, even if they don't really need to use them.

The rich are different. According to Tom Corley, rich people often plan their pockets based on the following principles:

  1. 20% for savings
  2. 25% pay for housing or mortgage
  3. 15% for food
  4. 10% entertainment
  5. 5% of travel expenses (possibly vehicle maintenance).
  6. The remaining 25% is for essentials: clothes, medicine, learning.

Bonus extra: How to find your passion?

If you keep these 10 habits, you will never get rich! Picture 11If you keep these 10 habits, you will never get rich! Picture 11

After studying the habits of the rich, Tom Corley came to the conclusion: They succeed because they first do something that they really love and turn it into a source of income. If you are still looking for passion, this is an action plan:

1. Make a list of things you like to do. Highlight your required skills.

2. Highlight 10 things you love more than others . Rating on a scale of 1 to 10. 10 stands for an activity that you don't just like but also makes you feel happy.

3. Then, evaluate 10 similar activities based on potential income levels . For example, calculate how many towels you can knit in a month and how much you can earn when you sell them.

4. Finally, add points for each mission. Which activity has the highest score should be the goal of your life.
What do you think is necessary to increase your income?

Refer to some more articles:

  1. Why are people who take advantage of the morning more successful?
  2. 10 reasons why you never succeed
  3. How does the weekend become more meaningful?

Having fun!

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