8 extremely bad habits will 'ruin' you in 2019

8 very bad habits here are some of the many things you need to be determined if you want to have a good new year.

A new year is an opportunity for us to change: Or continue with what the old year has not done or act for new goals. And it will be better if everyone looks back and clearly shows the determination to not make mistakes or too easy on themselves as before. The following 8 bad habits are some of the many things you need to be determined if you want to have a good year.

1. Regret the past: I wish I didn't .

If you have done something else, there is nothing to be confused between what should have done, could have done or will do. However, the reality is not always the will and it always makes you feel regretful, even, constantly obsessed. Although it is not simple, the sooner you realize that you cannot do everything, the happier and happier you will be. If there is really something that can change or something else to compensate for, do it right away. Otherwise, accept to let everything happen its way, draw lessons and find new directions.

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2. Pursuing an irreducible relationship

It can be called a "dangerous" relationship because there is a fact that we have to admit: Some relationships are very difficult to heal. For people with strong personalities or easy to express emotions, it is often difficult to accept this but in fact, when you accept, things will become easier.

Making a decision to give up or leave someone in life is extremely harsh, but if it is sure it will make you more comfortable and happy, be determined. If you do this, then you will begin to create a habit of self-decision and action - a spark of interesting things in the new year. There are many ways to overcome the pain after parting, choose a suitable way to start everything again.

3. Search for excuses

There is no such thing as too late, too old or too tired here. They are just things that people often say when lack of motivation, lack of willingness and loss of inspiration. Don't forget that you can lose a lot of things just because you like lying in bed. Get up early and start your life right away.

Next time, if you do not want to go to the gym because you are lazy or not strong enough to go drinking coffee with friends, then immediately remove the limits that you have set yourself. Don't let excuses make you a completely different person. Learning how to eliminate procrastination will also make your new year much better.

4. Passive

Many people spend their lives searching for a place that belongs to them. This is an infinite desire, because, you cannot find it - you are the one who created it. The sooner you realize this, the faster you act. You are responsible for your life and you can make everything around you right for what you want.

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5. Too strict with yourself

Life usually does not happen in the way we want. It's hard to face and be sure, not always everything is "happy ending". But sometimes, a reverse end is exactly what we want.

So don't be too hard on yourself just because something has never happened. Don't just live within the framework or follow the principles imposed by yourself for fear that they bring about bad things. Admit that life always has two sides and you have to face one of those two faces.

6. Heavy debt

Don't put the old year's debt into the new year, so you have to work hard to pay the old debt the whole year - something that should have been completed before.

If unfortunately still owes the old, determine the payout time as soon as possible, provided they don't last all your new year. After that, the determination for myself is that all debts this year will end before another new year arrives. Don't ignore the financial management tips we introduced.

Financial management method "6 jars" JARS

7. Unreasonable sleeping habits

Distraction is what you pay for an unconditional sleeping routine. Even though there are some people who can work continuously without a break, if you are not among them, don't try. They can ruin every goal you have set. There is a recipe to sleep well and not tired, try to apply it.

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8. Let fear overwhelm

The world is not a scary place - everything you fear is only in your mind. The whole day of locking the door in the room or avoiding the person who caused you to hurt is not that you are living, it's just existence. A true life only really starts when you step out of that invisible fear. Learn how to overcome your fear!

Author: Nemanja Manojlovic

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