Windows Store exceeded 100,000 applications

You need to know that the appearance of Windows 8 is not yet one year old, but the operating system ecosystem for this application has achieved tremendous growth.

You need to know that the appearance of Windows 8 is not yet one year old, but the operating system ecosystem for this application has achieved tremendous growth .

In the conference // BUILD 2013 // held in San Franciso recently, Microsoft made an accurate prediction that its application store will soon reach the milestone of 100,000 applications.

Picture 1 of Windows Store exceeded 100,000 applications

The annual BUILD conference held by Microsoft around the end of June, is an event for developers, as well as the introduction of new Microsoft applications and platforms. This year's event marked the presence of Windows 8.1 with the Preview version , bringing many important changes to Microsoft's strategic operating system platform.

Picture 2 of Windows Store exceeded 100,000 applications

Through Windows 8.1 , Microsoft is realizing the idea of ​​unifying a common platform for all of its devices. However, with this 8.1 Preview version, it seems that it aims to overcome the problems that exist in Windows 8 , with minor changes to the touch-based user interface for desktops and other device.

Hopefully, Microsoft does the same thing on its Windows Phone 8 platform, as well as completing the idea of ​​unifying the platform that the company has set.

Update 25 May 2019


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