An Ultimate Guide On Cloud Ransomware And How To Prevent It

Many companies and businesses nowadays may be subject to cloud ransomware attacks. To prevent this, not lose your money and save data, find everything you need to know about  ransomware protection in this post

Ransomware attacks have made a lot of noise in recent years. You've probably read about it in the news or heard from your colleagues. There may be a pop-up window on your device right now warning about the attack of one of these ransomware. If you want to know more about it, you should read the article to the end.

What Is Ransomware And How Does It Work

So, what is ransomware? It is malware that blocks users' computers or personal files by demanding a ransom for restoring access. In most cases, 'infection' occurs as follows. The malware first accesses the device. After that, depending on the type of program, either the entire operating system or individual files are encrypted. And then criminals demand a ransom. Usually, the attackers demand to pay it in cryptocurrency or to transfer a certain amount to a credit card. By the way, you can read more about cloud ransomware protection and one of the solutions to this problem by following the link above.

Picture 1 of An Ultimate Guide On Cloud Ransomware And How To Prevent It

Is Cloud Storage Safe From Ransomware?

Unfortunately, cloud ransomware is a common thing. Storages like this are also at risk, even if more robust security protocols can be used. Also note that due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the demand for telework increased, and many companies partially moved their business into the cloud. And that makes them vulnerable targets for cybercriminals.

Enterprise Ransomware Prevention: How Your Business Can Be Protected

The popularity of such attacks grows every year, and anyone can get hit by the blow. That's why it is better to take measures in advance and protect yourself and your business. We have prepared for you several ways how you can enterprise ransomware prevention.

Keep Multiple Backups

One of the most reliable ways to prevent extortion and provide ransomware protection is to make multiple backups of data and regularly check the ability to recover it. In this case, if one of the copies is attacked, you will have others that can be used. So you don't have to pay the ransom. We also recommend making copies not only in the cloud but also on separate media, such as external hard drives.

Remove Risk Factors

Some standard measures can also be taken to reduce the likelihood of a threat. Regularly scan your devices for viruses, change access keys, use multi-factor authentication (MFA) - this will help disable accounting data that are not in use.

Perform Logging And Monitoring

Another ransomware solution is to keep a log and monitor the system regularly. Through these actions, it is possible to carry out a qualitative analysis of the system and get traffic data. This, in turn, will help detect potential threats or unusual patterns and stop malware at an early stage. These mechanisms are the foundation of your security.

Come Up With A Disaster Recovery Plan

You always have to prepare for the worst. To do this, you should draw up an integrated plan in advance, according to which you will act in such environments. It will help you minimize losses and continue to serve customers. Figure out how you're going to calculate the ransomware source, isolate it, determine its type, and decide how you're going to restore the business. And remember that a robust data recovery strategy should include cybersecurity measures and add new levels of cyber-security. This will help to ensure cloud ransomware protection.

Educate Employees

Don't forget also about the human factor - it is often guided by criminals. One human mistake can cost a company millions of dollars, so it is very important to train your employees. That is why all staff should receive regular cybersecurity training. A man who understands what to pay attention to will work more efficiently. Awareness among staff will reduce the risk of clicking on potentially dangerous links, and connecting unknown devices that may contain extortion or other threats.

Cloud Ransomware Protection WIth SpinOne

Another good solution is to trust professionals and protect your data with SpinOne. It provides security management with artificial intelligence, can adapt to the attacks of various malicious programs, reduces downtime, notifies admin of any violations, creates backups, monitors the system and manages its recovery. In fact, it fulfills all the points that we listed in this article above. It only eliminates the risk of the human factor. Cloud ransomware attacks are growing in 'popularity' as well as losses from it, so software like SpinOne is a great way to protect yourself and your business.

Update 13 March 2022


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