What is 'Artificial Intelligence' AlphaGo is what makes people admire?

What is AlphaGo? Why is AlphaGo so popular among people? What made the AlphaGo artificial machine win a go-go chess champion? Your questions will be answered in this article.

What is AlphaGo? Why is AlphaGo so popular among people? What made the AlphaGo artificial machine win a go-go chess champion? Your questions will be answered in this article.

The name AlphaGo became the selling topic for many days when it could defeat world-class player Lee Sedol. AlphaGo technology comes from Google tycoon, participates in the 5 Go Go series and continuously wins 3 matches against this famous player. The war not only attracted technology lovers, but chess players also paid much attention. Because this is a more interesting and special match when an artificial intelligence system can win a world-class player. So what is AlphaGo?

Picture 1 of What is 'Artificial Intelligence' AlphaGo is what makes people admire?

1. AlphaGo technology comes from Google

AlphaGo is a computer software developed by DeepMind, a subsidiary of Google. Quite surprisingly, the head of the company is chess prodigy Al Demis Hassabis. As of now, the amount of go-kart matches that AlphaGO has entered makes it an experience equivalent to 80 years of continuous Go. A surprising and admirable figure.

The nature of the Go game makes this game a big target for DeepMind and Google's AI team. So the Go is a way to play and why does it become an inspiration for DeepMind?

2. Outline about Go Go

First appeared in China from 2,500 years ago, the Go flag is quite simple but forces players to give themselves reasonable strategies.

At the squared chessboard, there are two black and white troops representing the two parties. The general mechanism will take turns, who in turn will place their troops on any empty intersection on the board.

Once placed on the intersection, you cannot move troops. However, we can encircle enemy troops or groups by surrounding the entire enemy. If you think that to win, you must "knock" the opponent out of the board completely. The main goal of that game is, use troops to set multiple areas or more spaces on the board. Depending on the game, you can find different ways for yourself to escape the encirclement, attack the enemy.

If compared to chess moves, the Go flag is much more difficult when there are more than 130 thousand moves. It is difficult to learn each country in Go, not to mention how to play the opponent's play.

Picture 2 of What is 'Artificial Intelligence' AlphaGo is what makes people admire?

3. Why does DeepMind choose Go Go to challenge people?

Many times in the intellectual competition, the Sedol player, when AlphoGo was able to predict his move, made him admit that he was wrong to underestimate this technology.

Through this challenge, Google's ambition can be very great, when it comes to building a system of reading and guessing human behavior. Once Google completes the intelligence technology, it will be applied to many different areas such as driving or upgrading the search system.

In addition, the company said the next goal is to research virtual assistants on smartphones, robots or healthcare technology. Starcraft is one of the next games that Google aims to challenge, as this game also requires complex tactics like Go.

Picture 3 of What is 'Artificial Intelligence' AlphaGo is what makes people admire?

The future, AlphaGo can penetrate into the real world will not be far away.

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Update 24 May 2019


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