What do pregnant women eat to supplement calcium if they can't drink milk?

These are calcium-rich foods that pregnant women should use to help their bodies grow healthy, especially the bones and teeth.


Milk is an abundant source of calcium for pregnant women. So in case you can't drink milk, what should pregnant women eat to supplement calcium ? Here are suggestions that TipsMake.com is for you!


  1. The effect of calcium on women during pregnancy
  2. How much calcium do pregnant women need every day?
  3. What should pregnant women eat to supplement calcium?

The effect of calcium on women during pregnancy

As an important mineral, calcium contributes significantly to the strength of joints and teeth. In addition, calcium is involved in blood clotting and building up the muscle structure of the body.

During pregnancy, women need larger amounts of calcium than normal to help the fetus develop cardiovascular system, bones and joints, and nerve organs. If calcium is deficient, both mother and fetus may experience the following dangerous diseases:

  1. With mother: muscle aches, fatigue, osteoporosis, toothache, cramps, convulsions, hypoglycemia, .
  2. For the fetus: Bone is prone to defects, deformities, soft skull, risk of rickets, postpartum seizures, .

Picture 1 of What do pregnant women eat to supplement calcium if they can't drink milk?

Calcium plays an important role in the health of mothers and their babies

How much calcium do pregnant women need every day?

The demand for calcium for pregnant women is usually not fixed. At the end of pregnancy, pregnant women need more calcium:

  1. First 3 months: 800mg of calcium / day
  2. Next 3 months: 1200mg of calcium / day
  3. Last 3 months: 1500mg of calcium / day

Picture 2 of What do pregnant women eat to supplement calcium if they can't drink milk?

The demand for calcium in pregnant women increases with time

What should pregnant women eat to supplement calcium?

Many people feel 'afraid of milk' during pregnancy. In that case, you can add the following calcium rich foods to your daily menu:

  1. Tofu : Tofu is one of the extremely good foods for the body. Not only cool, benign, tofu is also a source of many important nutrients, especially calcium. It was found that in 100g tofu contains up to 191mg of calcium.
  2. Lettuce : The amount of calcium in the fish is 6 times higher than that of the carp, equal to 10 times the octopus. Eat fish regularly, pregnant mothers do not have to worry about calcium deficiency.
  3. Broccoli : Not only rich in vitamins, fiber, broccoli also contains a lot of calcium. You can prepare broccoli into many different dishes or combine with other calcium rich foods to increase the effectiveness of calcium supplementation for the body.
  4. Oats : In cereals, oats contain the most calcium. The saddle is really a great choice for pregnant women who can't drink milk.
  5. Seaweed: 100g seaweed contains 134mg of calcium. In addition, marine algae also contain large amounts of fiber, iodine and many other essential nutrients.
  6. Copper shrimp : Copper shrimp is also known to be a rich source of calcium used by many pregnant women. Many studies have shown that there are up to 1120mg of calcium in only 100g of copper shrimp.

In fact, many people only eat a few items during pregnancy. If you are one of them, you should use more calcium supplements to avoid shortages that affect your health and your baby.

Hopefully our article has helped you answer what questions to eat to have calcium for pregnant women not to drink milk. Visit META.vn for advice and order the best calcium medicines.

>>> More references:

  1. When your body gets serious calcium deficiency
  2. The secret of eating for pregnant women while pregnant with twins
Update 24 May 2019


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