6 ways to detoxify your body from Fluorine, toxins in tap water and toothpaste

In tap water, toothpaste, even food with sodium fluoride, one of the toxins affects nerves. Sodium fluoride is also put together with scary toxins such as lead, arsenic, mercury.

In tap water, toothpaste, even food with sodium fluoride, one of the toxins affects nerves. Sodium fluoride is also put together with scary toxins such as lead, arsenic, mercury, even fluorine has been used by humans as a mousetrap before.

Sodium fluoride is used in brushing because it can bleach, prevent tooth decay. But researchers say they weaken bones and teeth . It even seriously affects the nervous system of children and causes diseases such as hyperactivity, cognitive impairment and dyslexia.

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Children living in areas with Flo contaminated water have a lower average IQ than non-polluted waters, according to a study by Harvard University in 2013.

Currently, Fluorine is used to treat water resources not only in Vietnam, but also in developed countries owning the most advanced technologies today. According to a report, in the US, 60% of water supplies use fluorine to treat.

So can fluorine be removed from our bodies? Take 6 ways to remove fluoride from your body below to protect your health and your loved ones.

1. Add natural sources of iodine to the body

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Our bodies need very little iodine, but it is also indispensable. Because iodine is an important factor for metabolism between cells, especially for thyroid hormones. Iodine eliminates fluorine in the body through the urine.

We can supplement natural sources of iodine through a number of foods such as seaweed, veggies, cabbage, chicken eggs, iodized salt, watercress, potatoes, .

2. Add Bo element

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You may hear less about this element, but Bo is an essential element for the development of the bones and joints. At the same time, Bo also has a great effect on the treatment of osteoporosis and the slow state of the brain. In particular, Bo also has the effect of pushing Flo out of the body.

You can supplement your body with a variety of rich Bo foods, such as green vegetables such as spinach, kale and nuts such as nuts, prunes, raisins and fruits. no sour taste.

3. Frequently eat tamarind fruit

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Tamarind has many good health benefits such as fluorine elimination, treatment of constipation, anti-infection, cancer prevention, .

We can use tamarind spice when cooking or drinking tea to push fluorine out of the body.

4. Supplementing Magnesium and Calcium

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Magnesium plays an important role in metabolism, synthesizing nutrients in the body and preventing absorption of fluorine into cells. Calcium is like a magnet that absorbs fluoride from teeth and bones.

To supplement magnesium and calcium effectively, you need to pay more attention to your daily meals. Magnesium and Calcium are abundant in green vegetables, whole grains, yogurt, avocado, dried fruits, seafood .

5. Liver detoxification

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According to some studies of scientists in the world, Flo can permanently remain in the liver.

To remove fluorine toxins as well as heavy metals from the body we need a healthy liver. So detoxifying the liver is essential to good health.

To detoxify and enhance liver function, you should eat lots of garlic, avocado, turmeric and drink lots of lemon juice.
Enhance the function and detoxify the liver by eating lots of garlic, turmeric, avocado and drinking lots of lemon juice.

6. Steam bath

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Sauna in addition to reducing stress can also help to remove toxins from the body through pores. But, you should drink enough water before and after a sauna to avoid dehydration.

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