The Winamp media player hopes to be saved

Last week, AOL, the company behind the Winamp media player, announced that it would stop developing the tool next month.

Last week, AOL, the company behind the Winamp media player, announced that it would stop developing the tool next month.

" and how related Web services will be closed from December 20, 2013. At the same time, Winamp Media will no longer allow downloading. So if you love Winamp, download the media player. this before time on " AOL announced.

Ahead of this announcement by AOL, many Winamp fans have expressed their regret and many people have asked AOL to continue developing, or announcing Winamp's source code, to help the community continue to play. Develop this product. The "Save Winamp" website and another website have been created for this purpose.

Picture 1 of The Winamp media player hopes to be saved

The fan said on the " rescue Winamp " website: "Winamp is the history of digital music" ; and among these fans, 9 programmers promised to improve Winamp if AOL announced the source code of the product. "Our goal is to convince Nullsoft (a subsidiary of AOL and a company that directly develops Winamp) to publish Winamp's source code and we will develop it in the way of an open source product."

On the other website, there are now more than 12,000 supporters to turn Winamp into open source software."If AOL publishes Winamp source code, the application will continue to be developed for fans who use it every day" - a message written on this website.

However, so far, AOL has not had any feedback on these calls. Anyway, Winamp users have the right to hope that they will get a nod from the company, otherwise the Winamp scenario to Microsoft as a recent rumor will also be a good ending for this media player. .

Update 25 May 2019


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