• Test on computer network with answer P8

    Test on computer network with answer P8
    welcome to the test series of tipsmake.com with topics related to the fields of information technology. and this time we will continue with a little test of computer networks,
  • Test on computer network with answer P9

    Test on computer network with answer P9
    computer network is a group of computer devices connected to each other through twisted cables, electromagnetic waves ... to share data for each other. today day computer networks
  • Test on computer network with answer P10

    Test on computer network with answer P10
    the network administrator would like to send you a series of multiple choice questions on the computer network so you can consult and test your knowledge.
  • Test on computer network with answer P7

    Test on computer network with answer P7
    computer network is a group of computers and peripheral devices connected together through transmission media such as twisted cable, optical cable, electromagnetic wave, infrared