Search results: application development

everyone 'oms' differently -- try one of these unique apps to support your mindfulness goals.

the grip tightening on recruitment in 2011 has gradually been relaxed. technology companies are looking for information technology staff who are skilled and creative in order to

11 questions that any developer must find an answer before starting application programming.

after announcing to allow all developers to approach mirror api, google recently invited app developers to buy their google glass glasses. specifically, the search firm in

microsoft experts have had to work hard to bring high quality applications to the windows store and it seems the company's efforts have finally paid off.

the truth is that when it comes to platform approaches, technology is not always the reason we use it. the following article is not intended to address valuation but will discuss

12 sharing from a man who became developer after 6.776 days this effort will be the guideline for all who are fostering the dream of becoming a professional software developer.

although the application development platform can be a dream turned into reality, if you do not choose the right tool, you can freely design the final product that you still

who among us would have been at zuckerberg's position at least once, but had seized the opportunity?