Table in CSS

Tables in HTML can become much more beautiful thanks to CSS.

Tables in HTML can become much more beautiful thanks to CSS.

Borders for tables in CSS

To create a border for a CSS table, use the border property.The following example shows the use of black borders for elements, and.

 table, th, td { 
border : 1px solid black ;

Note that in the example on the double-edged table, both the table and the elements and have their own borders.

Merge the table border

The border-collapse feature is used to combine table borders into a single border.

 table { 
border-collapse : collapse ;

table, th, td {
border : 1px solid black ;

If you want a single border around the table, use only the border property.

 table { 
border : 1px solid black ;

Width and height of the board

The width and height of the table are determined by the width and height characteristics.The example below sets the width of the table to 100% and the height of the element is 50px.

 table { 
width : 100% ;

th {
height : 50px ;

Align the table position horizontally

The text-align feature is used to align the table horizontally (left, right, middle) of the contents, or.By default the content in the element will be centered and the contents will be left justified.

The example below aligns the text in the element.

 th { 
text-align : left ;

Align the table vertically

Features vertical-align used to align the table vertically (top, bottom, middle) of content in and.Default content will be centered.

The following example is just below the element

 td { 
height : 50px ;
vertical-align : bottom ;

Padding in the table

To control the distance between the border and the content in the table, use the padding property for the element and

 th, td { 
padding : 15px ;
text-align : left ;

Divide the table horizontally

Features border-bottom for and use

 th, td { 
border-bottom : 1px solid #ddd ;

Table in CSS Picture 1Table in CSS Picture 1
For example with a division of 1px

Table in CSS Picture 2Table in CSS Picture 2
For example with a 10px split

Hover over the table

Use the: hover selection tool to emphasize the table row when hovering over.

 tr:hover { background-color : #ffff00 ;} 

Table in CSS Picture 3Table in CSS Picture 3
The row is highlighted when hovering over

Stripe board

To create a 2-color stripe, use the tool to select nth-child () and the background color with backgroud-color.

 tr:nth-child(even) { background-color : #f2f2f2 ;} 

Table in CSS Picture 4Table in CSS Picture 4
The board has 2 color stripes

Add color to the board

The example below defines the background color and text color for the element

 th { 
background-color : #4CAF50 ;
color : white ;

Table in CSS Picture 5Table in CSS Picture 5
For example, create colors for the background and text in the table

The table is highly responsive (responsive table)

A highly responsive table has a scroll bar to display the full content when the screen is too small.To do this, you add a container element (like

) with overflow-x: auto around the element.

Table in CSS Picture 6Table in CSS Picture 6
Scroll bar to see the entire table content

Note that on OS X LIon, the default scroll bar is hidden and only appears when used (even if you have overflow: scroll pre-set).

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