Streamlining The Streaming Process: Our Guide

There's no denying that traditional television has reached a period of steep decline, and it mostly comes down to the success of streaming platforms. Nowadays that everything is more immediate the traditional TV format has turned too slow for most consumers.

Meanwhile through streaming users can watch anything they want immediately, making it the perfect pick for any viewer regardless of personal preferences.

So if you want to build your streaming platform this is one of the best moments to do so. Audiences are already used to the format, the technology is more accessible and there's still a large audience that has to make the switch. With that in mind today we want to go over the key ideas you need to keep in mind to start your platform. This is our simplified guide to streaming, and with some luck, this will be the start of your new venture.

Picture 1 of Streamlining The Streaming Process: Our Guide

Find a niche

It might sound hard to start your streaming platform when there are so many successful ones in the market, but all you have to do is to think about it like if these platforms were all channels. There are general platforms like Netflix and specialized ones like Disney+, and the secret to having a chance in these markets is to determine your niche and your audience.

Will you offer local television to appeal to traditional television fans? Will you specialize in cult classic films? You need to decide what audience you are aiming for, and from there y0u'll be able to choose the content and the payment methods.

Decide how you will monetize

Keeping a streaming platform alive isn't free, and even if you this as a passion project your new app or website will need to at least pay for its costs. So you need to decide what monetization model your platform will use.

Most streaming platforms rely on subscription models since it's fixed income from each user regardless of how much content they consume. Other sites demand a fee per visualized content instead, while free platforms rely on advertisements to be able to make a profit.

All of these models have their plus and cons, but they need to be assessed as they are integral to the entire process. Consider your audience and research their spending habits, this is key to choose the right model.

Find what content you can reasonably offer

No platform will work without quality content to watch, after all, that's the whole point of streaming. So you need to find out what content you can offer without going over budget or running into license problems. A lot of high-budget shows and films have exclusive deals, so they can be impossible to acquire even with the right budget. But beloved classics and local favourites might not have these restrictions.

Another great way to entice viewers to use your platform is to offer exclusive content. You can contact local celebrities and influencers to collaborate on new content. And this will immediately provide your platform with content that can't be accessed anywhere else.

Ensure quality servers and playout

Of course, at the end of the day, a streaming platform is an online service, and for it to succeed it has to be fast and reliable. Your new platform is going to need a lot of traffic for it to succeed, and this means it'll need good servers to avoid crashes. A faulty service is almost a guaranteed cancellation, so invest in good servers to keep your viewer base happy.

And similarly, you need a quality playout service to make sure your content does reach every household. Signals have to come from somewhere, so you'll need a playout operator to broadcast either live content or on-demand footage. Some companies offer multiple services and have great credibility, these are the ones you need to be looking out for. One example is the offer of playout from Red Bee Media. It's worth checking out and doing your research on these offerings to make soure you are doing the right thing when streamlining the streaming process.

Without one your streaming service won't be showing on any screen. So when it comes to these two services, you need the best quality you can find.

Update 02 May 2021


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