Special Google services

Someone who has never even opened a web browser knows Google, but the real problem is, the search king is in addition to the popular search function as most people know there are services. Other specials.

Someone who has never even opened a web browser knows Google, but the real problem is, the search king is in addition to the popular search function as most people know there are services. Other specials.

You can view other Google services at http://www.google.com/about/products/.

Note: The article was posted in 2007, now many of the services in the article have been removed by Google and replaced by more modern services, you can refer to the details in the link above.

Alerts : A simple way to search for any part you can choose one of the sections (News, Blogs, Groups, Web or Comprehensive) and set the received notifications on a daily, weekly or weekly basis. newspaper. I chose two different parts and received the first notice one hour later. You can also easily save and delete specific notifications as well as change their frequency or turn them all off.

Catalogs : Images of catalog pages are scanned as part of the Google Base service (allowing people to add their information to Google's database). Most items are quite years old and a few big names are up (like the 5 year old Hickory Farms Crate and Barrel lists). Most are from small companies.

You cannot order these products online but instead you call a toll-free number displayed on the left side of the catalog pages. Scanned pages are easy for readers. However, those who like shopping may not be satisfied with what the service offers.

Custom Search Engine : Create a smart search engine or use other creative components. You can locate Google tools on your site (even customize it to be reasonable) or force it into Google's customer list and invite other components to offer a page that includes the Your ingredients. I myself created a search tool about GPS devices in 15 minutes.

Picture 1 of Special Google services

Google services

Directory : This service lists favorite pages according to different categories. The Directory seems obsolete on Google since searching for keywords replaces the topic list. However, Internet directories still help people who are unfamiliar with this issue know the special keywords to search for. In other words, if you are not sure what to look for, then Web Directory is a way to help you find it.

Pack : With a download package, you get free software including Google Earth 3D browser, Picasa, Mozilla Firefox browser with Google Toolbar, 6-month fee for Symantec Norton Antivirus 2005 Special Edition, Google Talk, RealPlayer media player, Skype VoIP client, Google Desktop utility for searching files on your computer or Web, Google Toolbar for Internet Explorer, Lavasoft's Ad-Aware SE Personal antispyware program, Adobe Reader 7, Google Video Player, GalleryPlayer HD Images, including 10 High-resolution images that you can use to make wallpaper for your desktop or screen saver.

Specialized Searches : Allows you to search for more information inside special topic pages such as Government Search , Microsoft , Apple Macintosh , Linux , BSD (Unix) . University Search also allows you to search pages of hundreds of Universities around the world.

Web Accelerator : Designed for users who have a wide band, this service uses Google's special servers and stores it on your own computer (completely different from the browser) to speed up load level. It does not require working with all Web sites or pages but when you browse, the program icon in your browser toolbar will show the amount of time you have to wait.

Even if the Web Accelerator does not work with protected Web sites (certain URLs start with https:) , some personal information may be contained in pages that are not encrypted so it may cause you risk However, to avoid the risk of not having this, you turn off the accelerator by clicking on its icon in the system and selecting the option " Stop Google Web Accelerator ", or you can manually enter the page URL. you don't want to accelerate.

Similarly, you can also completely erase the tool's Cache by clicking the " Clear history " button on the program's Preferences screen.

Custom Search Engine is also a remarkable part, if you run a Web site or a blog, you can increase its value for visitors by adding a customized search engine to the problem. main topic of the page.

Update 25 May 2019


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