Should we use Tor and VPN together?

There is a frequent online security question regarding using Tor Browser and Tor Network with VPN (virtual private network): Can you use Tor and VPN at the same time?

There is a frequent online security question regarding the use of Tor Browser and Tor Network with VPN (virtual private network). Both privacy protection tools but in different ways. Can understand what users are concerned about combining the security and privacy attributes of each tool.

So, can you use Tor and VPN at the same time? How to use VPN and Tor together?

Are Tor and VPN the same?

The first thing to consider is the difference between Tor and VPN. Specifically, Tor and VPN are not the same.

  1. Tor is an anonymous communication network that routes Internet traffic through a global node network, protecting your data in the Tor Browser and the Tor Network.
  2. VPNs encrypt the network connection, creating tunnels for all data through the server of the VPN service provider. Internet traffic will appear to come from the IP address of the VPN server, instead of your actual location.

Picture 1 of Should we use Tor and VPN together?
Tor and VPN are not the same

Should you use a VPN with the Tor browser?

Now that you've learned what Tor and VPN are. You can start to see how they are similar. Tor encrypts traffic within the Tor Browser. VPN encrypts your network connection, capturing everything else.

The question is should you use a VPN with the Tor Browser?

The official Tor documentation states that you do not need to use a VPN with Tor to increase privacy. The Tor Network configuration is also very secure. Although the threat of malicious exit and entry nodes (nodes in and out) does exist, it does not cause you any problems.

That is what is in the official document. However, using VPN with Tor has some impact on your connection.

Tor Over VPN

Picture 2 of Should we use Tor and VPN together?
Tor Over VPN

If you connect to the VPN provider before connecting to the Tor Network, the entry node will receive the VPN service's IP address as the source of the data, instead of your actual IP address. The ISP will not see that you are connected to Tor, which may protect your privacy or even allow you to access the service in some countries.

This method is called Tor Over VPN. There are several warnings regarding VPN providers. If you trust a VPN provider that is not logged at all and within safe limits, you can use this method. Otherwise, you simply transfer trust from your ISP to the VPN provider. If your VPN provider records data, you should use Tor without a VPN.

Tor Over VPN also provides security against malicious entry nodes, which is another plus point.

If you are considering using Tor Over VPN, consider signing up for ExpressVPN. ExpressVPN has always been one of the best VPN providers.

VPN Over Tor

Picture 3 of Should we use Tor and VPN together?
VPN Over Tor

The VPN Over Tor method is a bit different. Using this method, you first open the Tor Browser and connect to the Tor Network. You then connect to your VPN provider through the Tor Network (not just turning on the VPN on the desktop).

The main benefit of the VPN Over Tor method is access to some websites that do not allow connections from known Tor exit nodes. VPN Over Tor also helps protect you against malicious exit nodes, which is another plus point.

The VPN Over Tor method is considered more difficult to use because you have to configure the VPN to use via Tor. It may offer better anonymity, protect traffic as it passes through the exit node and back to the VPN provider's server, but that also makes Tor harder to use.

Some users recommend that the VPN Over Tor method does not increase the security or privacy enough enough for you to consider using, especially when it takes time to configure the VPN to use with Tor. Moreover, if something goes wrong, your data may be exposed.

Tor bridge

The Tor Project recommends using a bridge relay (bridge for short) to increase the privacy of the entry node. The Tor bridge is an entry node not listed. If you suspect your ISP or someone is monitoring connecting to the Tor Network through normal node entries, you can use a bridge relay to connect to an unattended relay and access the Tor Network securely. honey.

There is a list of default Tor bridges that anyone can use. However, because these bridges are publicly available, the majority of these are likely to be monitored.


You can use VPN with Tor securely, using the Tor Over VPN method. However, for most people, this extra layer of privacy is overkill.

As with any VPN security and privacy issue, it is important that you use a reliable VPN and have a no-logging policy. 

Update 12 May 2020


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