10 tips to change the registry in Windows XP and Vista
If you read any of the registry editing articles, you will see bad warnings that Windows or applications can be destroyed if you edit the registry incorrectly, and before editing you need to backup the system. complete system.
TipsMake.com - Sometimes, the configuration of your desired Windows needs to be done in the Registry Editor. The following simple tips can save you time and solve many problems.
10 tips to change the registry in Windows XP and Vista Picture 1 If you read any of the registry editing articles, you will see bad warnings that Windows or applications can be destroyed if you edit the registry incorrectly, and before editing you need to backup the system. complete system. If these alerts are correct, there are many things you can do by editing the registry, which cannot be done with the GUI. In this article, I want to share 10 registry tips for Windows XP and Vista.
1. Remove AutoPlay
You always find it inconvenient when you insert the TechNet CD into the CDROM drive and Windows automatically opens Internet Explorer to display information that you don't care about. You want to access the disk file system directly and see what information is needed. Fortunately, creating registry settings to remove AutoPlay is easy:
1. Go to Run regedit . The Registry Editor window appears, then go to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Software Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion Policies Explorer .
2. Create a DWORD named NoDriveTypeAutoRun .
3. Set the value to 000000FF .
2. Increase the amount of simultaneous download files
If you are a technical writer, you will often have to download data. Sometimes you need to download a lot of files, but Windows limits the amount of files to download simultaneously. If you encounter this situation, you can change the registry so that Windows allows you to download multiple files at once:
1. Go to Run regedit . The Registry Editor window appears. Then go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER Software Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion Internet Settings .
2. Create a new DWORD named MaxConnectionsPerServer and set the value to 0000000a .
3. Create a new DWORD named MaxConnectionsPer1_0Server and get the value 0000000a .
3. Change the name of the registered user
When installing Windows, you are prompted to enter your username and company name. But the company names are very easy to overlap, so you may want to change the name of the company registered with Windows in the following way:
1. Go to Run regedit . When the Registry Editor window appears, navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Software Microsoft Windows NT CurrentVersion .
2. Then change the information registered in the RegisteredOwner and RegisteredOrganization .
4. Anti-delete Recycle Bin
Right-click the Recycle Bin, you will see that a Delete option is used to delete it. If you do not want to delete the error, please do the following:
1. Go to Run regedit . The Registry Editor window appears, enter HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT CLSID {645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E} .
2. Create a new registration key named Shell
3. In the Shell key, create another key named Delete . The path to the Delete key will be HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT CLSID {645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E} Shell Delete .
4. Enter the value of the Recycle Bin instead of the default value of the key Delete .
5. Delete the login information stored on the cache
Windows is programmed to allow users to log on to use the login information stored on the cache if there is no authentication control domain required. If you want to make sure the login request is authenticated by a domain controller, you can change the amount of information allowed to be cached from 10 to 0 (or you can increase it to 50). You just need to follow these steps:
1. Go to Run regedit . The Registry Editor window appears, go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionwinlogon .
2. Create a new REG_SZ setting named CachedLogonsCount .
3. Enter the amount of information allowed to store into the value of this new installation.
6. Encrypt and decrypt from a shortcut menu
Normally, when you want to encrypt and decrypt a file in Windows XP Pro or Vista, you need to click on the file or folder and select Properties on the shortcut menu. When the Properties page appears, click the Advanced button on the General tab and select Encrypt or Decrypt.
Doing so is confusing, you can add these options to the shortcut menu and will see them when right-clicking on the file:
1 . Go to Run regedit . The Registry Editor window appears, then go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion ExplorerAdvanced Software .
2. Then create a new DWORD named EnCryptionContextMenu and set the value to 1 .
7. Delay activation of Windows
Normally, when an organization deploys Vista, it creates a master image, launches SYSPREP, and distributes the image. But the problem is that that time could be the time between when SYSPREP is operated and Vista is actually deployed.
Microsoft only allows you to activate within 30 days and you can do it 3 times. However, you can use the registry trick to fix this limitation:
1. Go to Run regedit . The Registry Editor window appears, enter HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Microsoft Windows NT CurrentVersion SL .
2. Change the value of key SkipReam to 1 .
3. Open the Command Prompt window and enter the slmgr -ream command
8. Change the file location offline
When using Vista's Offline Files feature, the temporary memory of the offline file is automatically placed on the C: drive. But your laptop has 2 drives and you want to install Vista to put offline files into the second hard drive. Follow these steps:
1. Open Control Panel and click Network And Internet Link , then click the Offline Files link. Windows will display the Offline Files Properties page.
2. Change Offline Files status to Disable if its status is Enable .
3. Click OK and restart the computer.
4. Then go to Run regedit . The Registry Editor window appears, access the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE System CurrentControlSet Services CSC .
5. Create a new String value named Parameters .
Assign value ?? e: csc to Parameters . (where e: is the drive name you want to use)
1. Exit Registry Editor and restart the computer.
2. Change Offline Files status to Enable
3. Restart the device to complete the installation.
9. Remove the User Account Control feature
One of Vista's features that users are not happy with is User Account Control. In fact, admin is treated as a standard user. While performing the administration, admin receives a prompt to see if they want to perform the operation. This prompt is very helpful against malware, but many people don't want to see it. You only need to do the following steps:
1. Go to Run regedit . The Registry Editor window appears, go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesSystem .
2. Change the value of the ConcentPromptBehaviorAdmin key to 00000000 .
10. Hide the last login name
Windows Vista is programmed when you press Ctrl + Alt + Del to login it will display the latest login user name. This can be a bit annoying if many people use the same machine. They may forget to check who logged in earlier and the key in their own password related to the username of another user. If they try more than the allowed number, the other user account will be locked. You can fix this problem by changing the registry a bit so that Windows does not display the name of the previous login user.
1. Go to Run regedit . The Registry Editor window appears, navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Software Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion Policies System .
2. Set the value of the DontDisplayLastName key to 1 .

1. Remove AutoPlay
You always find it inconvenient when you insert the TechNet CD into the CDROM drive and Windows automatically opens Internet Explorer to display information that you don't care about. You want to access the disk file system directly and see what information is needed. Fortunately, creating registry settings to remove AutoPlay is easy:
1. Go to Run regedit . The Registry Editor window appears, then go to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Software Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion Policies Explorer .
2. Create a DWORD named NoDriveTypeAutoRun .
3. Set the value to 000000FF .
2. Increase the amount of simultaneous download files
If you are a technical writer, you will often have to download data. Sometimes you need to download a lot of files, but Windows limits the amount of files to download simultaneously. If you encounter this situation, you can change the registry so that Windows allows you to download multiple files at once:
1. Go to Run regedit . The Registry Editor window appears. Then go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER Software Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion Internet Settings .
2. Create a new DWORD named MaxConnectionsPerServer and set the value to 0000000a .
3. Create a new DWORD named MaxConnectionsPer1_0Server and get the value 0000000a .
3. Change the name of the registered user
When installing Windows, you are prompted to enter your username and company name. But the company names are very easy to overlap, so you may want to change the name of the company registered with Windows in the following way:
1. Go to Run regedit . When the Registry Editor window appears, navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Software Microsoft Windows NT CurrentVersion .
2. Then change the information registered in the RegisteredOwner and RegisteredOrganization .
4. Anti-delete Recycle Bin
Right-click the Recycle Bin, you will see that a Delete option is used to delete it. If you do not want to delete the error, please do the following:
1. Go to Run regedit . The Registry Editor window appears, enter HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT CLSID {645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E} .
2. Create a new registration key named Shell
3. In the Shell key, create another key named Delete . The path to the Delete key will be HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT CLSID {645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E} Shell Delete .
4. Enter the value of the Recycle Bin instead of the default value of the key Delete .
5. Delete the login information stored on the cache
Windows is programmed to allow users to log on to use the login information stored on the cache if there is no authentication control domain required. If you want to make sure the login request is authenticated by a domain controller, you can change the amount of information allowed to be cached from 10 to 0 (or you can increase it to 50). You just need to follow these steps:
1. Go to Run regedit . The Registry Editor window appears, go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionwinlogon .
2. Create a new REG_SZ setting named CachedLogonsCount .
3. Enter the amount of information allowed to store into the value of this new installation.
6. Encrypt and decrypt from a shortcut menu
Normally, when you want to encrypt and decrypt a file in Windows XP Pro or Vista, you need to click on the file or folder and select Properties on the shortcut menu. When the Properties page appears, click the Advanced button on the General tab and select Encrypt or Decrypt.
Doing so is confusing, you can add these options to the shortcut menu and will see them when right-clicking on the file:
1 . Go to Run regedit . The Registry Editor window appears, then go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion ExplorerAdvanced Software .
2. Then create a new DWORD named EnCryptionContextMenu and set the value to 1 .
7. Delay activation of Windows
Normally, when an organization deploys Vista, it creates a master image, launches SYSPREP, and distributes the image. But the problem is that that time could be the time between when SYSPREP is operated and Vista is actually deployed.
Microsoft only allows you to activate within 30 days and you can do it 3 times. However, you can use the registry trick to fix this limitation:
1. Go to Run regedit . The Registry Editor window appears, enter HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Microsoft Windows NT CurrentVersion SL .
2. Change the value of key SkipReam to 1 .
3. Open the Command Prompt window and enter the slmgr -ream command
8. Change the file location offline
When using Vista's Offline Files feature, the temporary memory of the offline file is automatically placed on the C: drive. But your laptop has 2 drives and you want to install Vista to put offline files into the second hard drive. Follow these steps:
1. Open Control Panel and click Network And Internet Link , then click the Offline Files link. Windows will display the Offline Files Properties page.
2. Change Offline Files status to Disable if its status is Enable .
3. Click OK and restart the computer.
4. Then go to Run regedit . The Registry Editor window appears, access the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE System CurrentControlSet Services CSC .
5. Create a new String value named Parameters .
Assign value ?? e: csc to Parameters . (where e: is the drive name you want to use)
1. Exit Registry Editor and restart the computer.
2. Change Offline Files status to Enable
3. Restart the device to complete the installation.
9. Remove the User Account Control feature
One of Vista's features that users are not happy with is User Account Control. In fact, admin is treated as a standard user. While performing the administration, admin receives a prompt to see if they want to perform the operation. This prompt is very helpful against malware, but many people don't want to see it. You only need to do the following steps:
1. Go to Run regedit . The Registry Editor window appears, go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionPoliciesSystem .
2. Change the value of the ConcentPromptBehaviorAdmin key to 00000000 .
10. Hide the last login name
Windows Vista is programmed when you press Ctrl + Alt + Del to login it will display the latest login user name. This can be a bit annoying if many people use the same machine. They may forget to check who logged in earlier and the key in their own password related to the username of another user. If they try more than the allowed number, the other user account will be locked. You can fix this problem by changing the registry a bit so that Windows does not display the name of the previous login user.
1. Go to Run regedit . The Registry Editor window appears, navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE Software Microsoft Windows CurrentVersion Policies System .
2. Set the value of the DontDisplayLastName key to 1 .
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