Should the phone be charged overnight?

Should the phone be charged overnight? has always been a question that users are interested in and controversial.

"Should I charge the phone overnight?" has always been a question that users are interested in and controversial.

Antonio Villas-Boas, a Bussiness Insider technology reporter, says plugging in the phone overnight or still charging for hours after the device reaches 100% battery life will make the lithium-ion battery aging process of smartphone accelerated.

In the opinion of Dominik Schulte - director of a German-based BatterieIngenieure technology consulting company, the battery life will be negatively affected if you charge your phone to 100% and continue to charge or charge overnight. To avoid plugging in the charger overnight when the battery is full, the user should charge the phone in the morning or another time.

The aging process of the battery will be accelerated when the battery is full?

All lithium-ion batteries have a limited lifetime and the battery capacity will gradually decrease over time. Either way, you can't change this, but you can make this process faster or slower.

According to Antonio Villas-Boas, when the battery aging its internal chemical composition will be changed and negatively affect its ability to store and supply power. Smartphone manufacturers know about this but are not concerned with users plugging in the charger for too long because they think this is not a problem. The problem of overnight charging is mentioned by Apple, but the technology firm is not saying that this action is harmful.

Picture 1 of Should the phone be charged overnight?

Many people believe that continuing to charge when the battery is full will accelerate the aging process.Photo: Bussiness Insider.

However, Ronald Ho, a project manager at Google, does not agree with Antonio Villas-Boas's point of view. Ho said that overcharging or overcharging is badly outdated because today's devices have been integrated with modern batteries and technologies to optimize charging process. Only when the phone battery is below 100% will it receive power from the charger, and when it reaches 100%, the phone's internal battery charger will automatically stop charging.

30% -50% is the ideal battery level of the phone

But there is one thing that both Schulte and the phone companies recommend to users, should keep the battery at a certain level when not using the phone for a period of time. That level is in the range of 30% -50%, when the battery is at this level its speed of degradation is slow.

On the Samsung mobile phone website, it is clear that before using the phone, users should charge "at least 50%". Apple also advises users that, when storing the device for a long time, keep the iPhone battery capacity in half because this can help increase battery life.

Picture 2 of Should the phone be charged overnight?

Can charge the phone at many times.Photo: Bussiness Insider.

But because users always carry their phones with people and can only charge them for a certain amount of time during the day, keeping the battery at 30% -50% is not easy.

However, Antonio Villas-Boas must admit that it is not easy to recognize the harmful effects of overnight charging to the aging process of phone batteries. Many users often replace new phones once or every two years, and these are certainly the subjects that will never notice any difference.

Every phone will damage the battery over time but with the negative charging habits of users, this process will be pushed faster.

Whether the point of plugging in your phone overnight or still charging for hours after reaching a 100% battery level will speed up the aging of the lithium-ion battery of your smartphone right or wrong. No need to worry. By now, manufacturers have offered more options to replace batteries at cheap prices. If buying a new device exceeds your finances, this is a great option.

Update 24 May 2019


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