Phone battery tips
For each 'cell phone', in addition to many components, the battery is also an indispensable chalk that can be maintained. However, how to "use" the battery properly, surely not everyone knows .
Phone battery tips Picture 1
Answer the question because the phone quickly runs out of battery
A lot of people are in a situation where they need to know their battery status when they need it most, but don't understand why, even though the battery has been fully charged before. In fact there are many reasons for the fast battery status of the phone that you should know.
First, it's because your ' handset ' has many applications running at the same time that you don't know. Especially with phones with Internet connection such as Wifi, 3G, if after finishing the internet connection without escaping, this is the reason why the phone battery is consumed significantly.
With phones with many features, applications like the iPhone also make battery power often quite fast. Especially when you often "kill time" with a game, listen to music, watch videos . then within a few hours, even if the previous battery is fully charged, it is quickly in a state of exhaustion.
Another experience for those who go to work in remote areas shows that, depending on the weak and flickering waves, the phone will consume a lot of energy because it must maintain waves or search for Other networks for roaming. In this case, if it is not necessary to keep in touch regularly, it is best to turn off the device, wait until the waves are healthy to continue to use so that the battery is not wasted.
If, after listing and eliminating the above situations, your phone still runs out of battery quickly and unexpectedly, think about whether your phone battery is hot or hot. In this case, the first and most necessary thing to think about is to buy a new phone battery instead. And then, learn to keep a phone battery as durable as possible.
Charging the battery also needs to be properly
One of the experiences to remember when charging the phone is to limit the charging in standby mode, charging and using or charging for too long, plug in the mobile phone charger for the night . Experience shows , if the battery is charged incorrectly, it will give the user more danger, even risk of fire, explosion or machine failure.
The phenomenon of battery bottles is mainly due to improper battery charging. As soon as the battery in the first lane is used, it is necessary to know how to use it. A new phone battery is said to be the most effective when it has been used three times and first used.
To do this, when charging for the first time in accordance with the battery manufacturer's instructions (often instructed immediately in the accompanying phone manual) will help the battery to achieve the highest performance and keep life. battery as long as possible. This charge needs to charge and keep charging for more than 8 hours and can be charged immediately after purchasing the device without waiting for the battery to run out.
The second and third charge should be done when the battery is really exhausted. Charging time should also be about 5-8 hours. From the fourth charge on, the phone should be charged as soon as the phone turns itself off or has a low battery signal, but it is best to charge it when the battery indicator is 1 bar away.
If the charger is not fully charged, the phone will automatically reduce the charging time. If the charger is plugged in for too long, it will automatically recharge over a period of about 5 - 8 hours and adversely affect battery performance and life.
During charging, it is best to turn off the phone. If it is due to the specific characteristics of the work, it is best to charge the battery and still need to keep in touch, then try to limit the charge and the phone. Because if you just charge your phone and run it as usual, it will extend the charging time, the temperature of the device will rise higher than normal, this will adversely affect battery quality.
Finally, charging must take a reasonable time, so avoid charging overnight. Plug in the phone overnight so that the device is as hot as a fire that could harm the phone. If the battery is charged too much, excess charge will not be good for the machine's power. In addition, the heat generated when charging the battery for too long in specific cases causes a battery explosion, causing an unfortunate accident.
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