8 signs of cervical cancer identification in women
Cervical cancer is the second most common cancer that occurs in women. About a quarter of the world's women carry human papillomavirus (HPV), a sexually transmitted virus that can lead to cervical cancer. One in 1,000 women with HPV will develop cervical cancer. Although the number given may be scary, this type of cancer can be treated if detected in time.
Pap tests detect abnormal cells in the cervix, which are easily treated before developing cancer. That's why it is important to learn about some common symptoms and get a Pap smear right away when there are suspicious symptoms. Pap smear is an effective cervical cancer screening method that helps detect abnormal changes in cells before becoming cancer. Therefore, 80% of cancer rates can be detected early and significantly reduce the death rate of cervical cancer. Here are 8 common symptoms that can occur when getting cervical cancer that helps women have a better overview of the issues surrounding this test. Invite you to consult!
Cervical cancer
Cervical cancer forms in the cervical epithelium ( the cervix is the organ that connects the vagina to the ovary ). Cervical cancer develops when abnormal cells in the cervical lining begin to multiply in an uncontrollable way and then assemble into a large tumor. In the period between 30 and 59 years of age, cervical cancer is most common, especially at the age of 45 to 55, very rare in women under 20 years old.
Cervical cancer is a long-term infection caused by a type of papilloma virus called Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), about 70% of cervical cancers are linked to HPV infection. . In other words, it is the sexual transmission of HPV that causes changes at the cellular level and causes cervical cancer cases.
HPV virus penetrates inside cervical cells, develops and genetically alters cells. After that, the cells that are mutated will develop into malignant cells. This process takes many years, maybe 10 to 15 years, known as the preclinical stage, which means that there is an abnormal level of cells but when the examination is done, the cervix may be completely normal. . However, once it is cancer, the tumor will spread quickly in a short time.
1. Lose weight for no reason
Suddenly losing weight suddenly without dieting or exercising, no matter what the circumstances, you should not ignore it and go to see a doctor right away. This symptom may be the cause of many factors. It usually occurs in patients with cervical cancer because they lose appetite and lack of nutrients. Abnormal growth of cells can have a negative impact on the digestive system health in the body. This is what causes the body to stop processing nutrients appropriately.
2. Inflammation and water retention
Changes in cervical cells may also be observed due to an imbalance in the body's inflammatory process. In it, this can cause water retention problems in the body. Patients with cervical cancer will notice pain in the lower abdomen, legs and lower body. That's because this disease affects blood vessels.
3. Cystitis
Cystitis is a common form of urinary tract infection, either male or female at any age. Acute cystitis is an infection caused by an infection that causes the lining of the bladder to swell and swell. Therefore, people need to pay attention to this disease because this problem may be related to cervical cancer. Although this is rare, these symptoms may also result from inflammation of the cervix and bladder due to cervical cancer. Tumors tend to compress these organs, hinder the movement of urine and cause pain in the urinary tract.
Any changes in urination habits, such as urine leakage when sneezing or vigorous exercise, blood in the urine, pain during urination . can all be signs of cancer. Cervical. In this case, if true due to cervical cancer, the cancer cells have spread to other parts of the body.
4. Genital warts (Genital warts)
Genital warts ( Genital warts, Condyloma, Condylomata acuminata ) or genital warts, also known as genital warts - one of the sexually transmitted diseases. The disease is common in both men and women due to a type of HPV ( Human papilloma virus ), the main cause of the development of cervical cancer. Small abnormalities on the skin are difficult to observe with the naked eye, but they tend to spread very quickly.
5. Abnormal vaginal discharge
Vaginal fluids are usually clear or whitish, have no odor and appear during menstrual ovulation days. In case of abnormal vaginal discharge, strange color ( yellow, green, pus or blood mixed ), an unpleasant smell is likely a sign of cervical cancer. However, other " private " cancers such as ovarian cancer, ovarian inflammation . can also cause abnormal signs in the vaginal fluid. Therefore, we need to go to a gynecological examination to determine the most accurate cause. When the cervix is stimulated by cervical cancer, it will affect the development and ovulation.
6. Pain or bleeding after sex
There are many different factors that can cause pain when having sex. However, the development of tumors in the cervix is a possibility that cannot be ruled out. This may be due to an infection of the uterine wall or these effects may affect the natural lubricant in your body.
Even if a woman does not have a uterine problem, she may see blood appear after sex. However, if the feeling of pain and bleeding after sex occurs frequently, it can be a potential health problem in reproductive organs like cervical cancer. So you should go to the test early when you see this sign.
7. Back pain
Like any other cancer, cervical cancer can seriously affect the process of causing inflammation in the body's tissue cells. In addition, you may have difficulty circulating blood, muscle movement and cells will not get enough oxygen and other nutrients. This causes the muscles to be suppressed, leading to a constant pain in the lumbar region. In addition, the pain also spreads to the entire lower body and limbs.
The pelvic area or back pain, especially in the lower back area may also be a warning sign for cervical cancer. Moreover, you must be more alert if you see the pain spread to your feet and even cause swelling (swelling) in your legs.
Many women suffer from cramps during their monthly menstrual cycle. However, people need to pay close attention if there is pain in the pelvic area or cramps on the days of no menstruation. Because that may be symptoms of cervical cancer.
8. Anemia (Anemia)
As cervical cancer progresses, your body stops digesting nutrients in a way that often makes sick people feel tired and depleted, unexplained weight loss and loss of appetite. Anemia can occur with cervical cancer because the number of healthy red blood cells is reduced and replaced by white blood cells to reverse the disease.
First of all, this increases the feeling of fatigue during the day. Then, leading to severe anemia that affects mental health and other things. This symptom is also common when cervical cancer causes abnormal bleeding or heavy menstruation.
As a woman, it is important that you pay attention to these symptoms. The requirement for pap smear is the best way to determine if you are at risk for this cancer. In addition, if you see symptoms like the following, you also need to pay attention because it may be an early warning sign of cervical cancer. Regular checkups are also important in the successful treatment of this disease, especially if you have a family history of cervical cancer.
Besides, one of the most common warning signs of cervical cancer is abnormal vaginal bleeding ( vaginal bleeding in non-menstrual periods ). However, the level of bleeding may vary for each woman, some people have heavy bleeding but there are also few who bleed but all of them are not clear why the bleeding. If you also have such abnormal vaginal bleeding, be alert and see a doctor to find out if it is caused by cervical cancer.
In addition, when the cervix is stimulated by cervical cancer, it will affect the development and ovulation. Hormone balance is also changed. As a result, your menstrual cycle is not as normal as before, may be delayed by menstruation, prolonged menstruation or dark menstrual blood . So, don't ignore this unusual sign !
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