Server Core - Manage Account and Server

The purpose of this article is to provide you with what you need to know to run Server Core, especially in the domain environment and server management commands. - The purpose of this article is to give you what you need to know to run Server Core, especially in the domain environment and server management commands .

Before you do the following settings, read through the Network configuration commands for basic network setup commands.

The most basic thing is, but a lot of beginners get how to re-enable the command window when it is accidentally closed. Just open Task Manager ( Ctrl + Shift + Esc ), go to File > New Tas k, enter cmd in it and press Enter . Command Prompt will be opened again.

Join into a domain:
   netdom join ComputerName / domain: DomainName / userd: UserName / passwordd: *
   * Replace UserName with a valid UserName
   * Replace * in / passwordd: * corresponding to UserName

Remove from a domain:
   netdom remove

Change the name of a Domain Member:
   netdom renamecomputer% computername% / NewName: / userd: UserName / passwordd: *
   * Replace NewName with the new name of Domain Member
   * Replace UserName with a valid UserName
   * Replace * in / passwordd: * corresponding to UserName

Rename a Stand-Alone Member:
   netdom renamecomputer / NewName:
   * Replace NewName with the new name of the server

Rename Administrator:
   wmic UserAccount where Name = "Administrator" call Rename Name = "new-name"
   * This case is not a new admin but a new name, you have to make sure to replace the correct admin name with the value.

Add a Local User Account:
net user UserName * / add
   * Replace UserName with a valid UserName
   * You will receive a request to enter the password twice.

Delete a Local User Account:
   net user UserName / delete
   * Replace UserName with a valid UserName

Add User to Local Group:
   net localgroup GroupName UserName / add
   * Replace GroupName with the name GroupName valid
   * Replace UserName with a valid UserName. If this is User in a domain, use the syntax - DomainNameUserName

Delete User from Local Group:
   net localgroup GroupName UserName / delete
   * Replace GroupName with the name GroupName valid
   * or UserName with valid UserName. If this is User in a domain, use the syntax - DomainNameUserName

Confirm Domain and New Computer name:

Update User Password:
   Net user [/ domain] *

The next command will help you configure server management

Turn on / off Toggle Remote Desktop:
   Cscript windowssystem32scregedit.wsf / ar 0

Enable security for RDP connection.
   Cscript windowssystem32scregedit.wsf / cs 0

Activate Server Core:
Direct command - Slmgr.vbs - ato
Remote command - Cscript windowssystem32slmgr.vbsServerName UserName password: -ato

List of installed patches
   wmic qfe list

Install the Update:
   wusa .msu / quiet

Configure AutoUpdates:
   cscript scregedit.wsf / AU / 4

Disable AutoUpdates:
   cscript scregedit.wsf / AU / 1

See AutoUpdate settings
   cscript scregedit.wsf / AU / v

Configuration Page File:
   wmic pagefileset where name = set InitialSize =, MaximumSize =

Proxy Server configuration: (Server Core cannot use proxy to request a proxy)
   netsh Winhttp set proxy:

All commonly used TCP / IP commands include:

List of running Services:
   sc query

Start / Stop a Service:
   sc start
   sc stop

Task Manager: (Ctrl + Shift + Esc)

Managing Disk Volumes:
   Diskpart /?

Defrag a Volume:
   defrag /?

Change Time and Time Zone:
   control timedate.cpl

Change Desktop Resolution: (requires logoff and login again)
   Regedit - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlVideo

Show time on Command Prompt:
   prompt [$ t] $ s $ p $ g

Log off Server Core:

Restart Server Core:
   shutdown / r / t 0
   * Parameter / t 0 is the time to reset (in seconds).

Shutdown Server Core:
shutdown / s / t 0
   * Parameter / t 0 is the time to set the machine to turn off (in seconds).

Update 26 May 2019


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