netdom / remove% computername% /domain:petri-labs.local / userd: administrator / passwordd: ************
"Cơ sở dữ liệu bảo vệ trên máy phục vụ không có một tài khoản tài khoản này để trust relationship workstation."
To test, we can follow the instructions below. For Core , it is applied in 1 of 2 ways below:
- Using NETDOM
First, type SCONFIG in the Command Prompt window, when SCONFIG displays, press 1:
Our 'idea' here is to remove the computer from the domain first, then rejoin it:
Enter the identity of the account in use:
But immediately, the following error message will appear:
"Lỗi kết nối miền."
To continue testing with NETDOM , type the following command at the Command Prompt window :
netdom / remove% computername% /domain:petri-labs.local / userd: administrator / passwordd: ************
then there was an error:
For other User accounts, the result is the same:
netdom / remove% computername% /domain:petri-labs.local / userd: petri-labsadministrator / passwordd: ************
So is the real cause of this problem? It is a system that does not host any corresponding Computer accounts for Server Core in Active Directory Users and Computers!
To fix it, open DC> Active Directory Users and Computers , where we can see very clearly that there are no computer accounts.
Create new Computer by right-clicking and selecting New> Computer
Naming this Computer matches the name of the Server Core computer :
Here is WIN2008-CORE
Then, the process of removing the computer from the complete domain without any problems, restart the system at this step:
When you open Active Directory Users and Computers , you can see that Computer 's corresponding account is locked:
However, it should be noted that such errors often occur with the Core components in the system, more typically with the graphical interfaces such as Windows XP, Vista and 7.
Good luck!