Scientifically proven: Meditation keeps our brains 'young' and healthy

Science has proven that meditation helps our brain stay young and healthy. Here is a meditation guide for beginners.

There are many scientific studies that show that exercise is a " useful tool " to slow the aging process . Besides, regular exercise helps maintain health, flexibility and flexibility when we get older.

There is now an easier way to slow down the aging process in our brains. A recent interesting study by Harvard University has shown how to practice simple, if practiced regularly can help prevent aging in the brain. How? That is meditation .

Picture 1 of Scientifically proven: Meditation keeps our brains 'young' and healthy

Surely all of us who have heard meditation help us feel relaxed, peaceful and reduce anxiety and stress . This is the first time scientists have given evidence that meditation also reverses the aging process in the brain. Using complex medical technologies, scientists at Harvard University show that meditation creates significant changes in important components of the brain such as emotional control, mind memory and learning ability.


Picture 2 of Scientifically proven: Meditation keeps our brains 'young' and healthy

Within eight weeks of the study, scientists at Harvard University used magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to compare the brains of two groups. One group practiced meditation for an average of 27 minutes a day, continuously for 8 weeks and the other group did not practice meditation. Both groups must fill out the answer sheet before and after the study to measure stress and anxiety. MRI images of the brains of both groups were also taken before and after the study. Finally, MRI images for significant changes between the two groups in critical areas of the brain such as emotional control and human thinking.


Picture 3 of Scientifically proven: Meditation keeps our brains 'young' and healthy

Researchers found that the hippocampus, which is often wrinkled by age, became thicker in meditators after 8 weeks, and something not found in people who didn't practice meditation. This hippocampus area helps with memory control, learning ability, self-awareness and emotions. Moreover, the density of the amygdala region - the area that controls emotions such as stress or anxiety, is reduced in people who practice meditation, but do not change in the group of non-practitioners.

The benefits of meditation every day

Picture 4 of Scientifically proven: Meditation keeps our brains 'young' and healthy

So how do changes in the brain created by meditation affect life? Meditators said they felt less stressed and anxious than the rest. Meditation helps to reduce the pace of breathing and practice focusing on your breath (or a saying or image, depending on the type of meditation you choose). This can build a habit of " stopping before acting ", instead of acting without thinking.

For example, there is an angry fellow who says bad words to you, blaming you for making mistakes. Without prior preparation, instinct will make you fall into a defensive state and immediately respond to your colleague. But if you know to "stop" to control, take a deep breath before you react, you can direct the conversation in a way that helps colleagues relax and dispel the anger.

Or suppose you are driving on the road and someone interrupts your head, the habit of stopping and breathing deeply can help you not to utter curses or angry gestures.Reducing feelings of anger, stress and anxiety not only helps improve the quality of your life, but also for those around you. Moreover, your brain will maintain the dynamics, ability to remember and learn, functions that are often lost with old age.

How to meditate?

Picture 5 of Scientifically proven: Meditation keeps our brains 'young' and healthy

If you've never practiced meditation and want to start practicing right away, there are many useful sources of information on the Internet available to you. If you are interested in meditation groups, look on google " group meditation " and find meditation groups around you. In addition, there are many books and tapes on how to meditate on the market. Tara Brach and Pema Chodron are famous teachers who have published books and tapes on meditation. You can refer to many other teachers who teach this subject.

A meditation guide for beginners

Picture 6 of Scientifically proven: Meditation keeps our brains 'young' and healthy

Here are the simplest meditations , you can do it anywhere, anytime - in your living room, office or even in your car.

1. Find a comfortable position : you can sit cross-legged on a mattress or sit up straight in a chair, as long as you feel comfortable and comfortable. Keep your spine straight but don't be too hard and relax your shoulders. Hold the head slightly upwards as if held by an invisible wire. Place your hands gently on your legs, your palms can be up or down, how important it is to make you most comfortable.

2. Gently close your eyes or open your eyes to focus on a fixed point on the wall.

3. When breathing out and inhaling , hold your breath gently, slowly and naturally, keeping your attention and focusing on your breath. Imagine that you are inhaling energy from the universe into your body. In the beginning, maybe your mind will be very busy and think often but don't worry! If the mind is lost in certain thoughts, gently turn your attention back to the breath.
4. Start with 10 minutes a day . When you feel more comfortable and comfortable, you can gradually increase your practice time during the day.
Again, remember that meditation is a "useful tool" and important, it not only helps to reduce anxiety and stress, but also helps the brain become younger and healthier. In addition, if you want to find out more, you can search for more information online.

Update 24 May 2019


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