Scientifically proven: 9 tips to help the brain be healthy and happy

Here are 9 scientifically proven tips to make sure your brain is healthy and happy for many years.

Increasingly, we are expected by society and our family to produce particularly outstanding results at work and at school. We often have to stress our minds to make sure we get the best results and try to do things better so that we can become better versions of ourselves now. However, sometimes we forget to take care of our minds every day. As the body's control center, the brain is an amazingly designed machine. The brain is one of the largest and most important organs in the human body, with an average weight of about 1.1 kg in adults.

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Think: the brain can do everything. The brain controls emotions, coordinates movements and even receives - sends nerve signals to other parts of the body, so our physiological function can work well. This is why we need to take care of the brain carefully. Here are 9 scientifically proven tips to make sure the brain is healthy and happy for many years.

1. Eat well with nutritious food

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Research has shown that the foods that we eat daily can greatly affect our cognitive and emotional processes. A diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids can support brain functions, keeping the mind healthy. On the other hand, a high-fat diet may increase the risk of abnormal nervous system activity. Knowing what we eat and consume during the day can help us have a healthy and happy brain.

For a good start, try to consume natural foods that are full of nutrients such as eggs, grass-fed cow's milk, organic meat, fruits and vegetables. Increase the intake of omega-3 fatty acids found in fatty fish and walnuts, and avoid processed foods as much as possible.

2. Spend more time with your loved ones

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A study completed in 2008 by Harvard University School of Public Health has shown that good social interactions and relationships are fundamental to delay memory loss as we get older. . Survey participants aged 50 and older should be asked to take a memory test, while researchers also measure the degree of social integration based on marital status and experience. volunteer and contact, talk to parents, children and neighbors. This suggests that people who have participated in social activities have a slower rate of memory loss than others.

Having adequate social interaction with your loved ones is very important to have a happy and healthy brain. Spend more time with your family and the people you love.

3. Learn a new language

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Choosing to learn a new language can help your brain stay healthy and happy. If you can only speak one language, try to challenge yourself this year to learn a new language. Research shows that learning a new language can improve brain cognitive skills and prevent future memory loss. In addition, learning a foreign language, learning how to play guitar or trying something new that you have never done can help boost brain function and feel happy. Do something new and challenge yourself. Your brain will thank you very much for that.

4. Try HIIT interval testing

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High-intensity interval training or High-intensity interval training ( HIIT) helps improve brain and body health for a period of time equal to half of the training period. with traditional programs. HIIT includes intensive training sessions followed by a short break and can be done with exercise equipment such as treadmill or weightlifters. A study that included adults who practiced HIIT twice a week and exercised twice a week for 4 months showed that the amount of oxygen in the brain and oxygen consumption increased, while enhancing cognitive function. . That is enough to make your brain feel happy.

5. Get enough sleep

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We all know that getting enough sleep is very important for the body's mental activity. Science has shown that just reducing sleep time can seriously disturb the cognitive function of the body, leading to unforeseen accident risks. Try to sleep at least 7–8 hours a day and wake up at the same time every morning. This helps your body work cyclically and regularly, thereby helping us to work more efficiently and the mind feeling happier in the long run.

6. Learn to meditate or practice Yoga

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In other words, relax! Slowing down and limiting doing unnecessary things in life can help your brain stay healthy. We have lived a " hurry " lifestyle and over time it can be harmful to our health by adding stress and unnecessary negative effects to the body. A study conducted by the University of California ( Los Angeles ) showed that practicing yoga and meditating not only reduces stress levels in a normal body but also in people with Alzheimer's and dementia. half. Reducing unnecessary needs to yourself, the brain will thank you for that.

One of the ways to do this is to learn how to meditate or practice Yoga periodically. Even meditating for a few minutes can make your body relax. If you have never practiced yoga or meditated before, start slowly forming this little habit.

7. Absorb caffeine and alcoholic drinks

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Although caffeine is often thought of as a basic solution when we need a catalyst during the day, it can be harmful to health in the long term. A study has shown that coffee is a stimulant for a short time, in the long run it can narrow blood vessels in the temporal lobe and the frontal lobe, this area of ​​the brain if damaged can lead Severe memory and depression.

A cup of coffee a day or 2 glasses of wine a week is not bad, but if you drink more, it's time to reduce it to strengthen your mental and mental health.

8. Save at least $ 2 per day

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Although saving money does not have a direct effect on brain function, saving money is a good starting point in achieving financial goals. Science has shown that a well-developed financial plan can boost the brain's commanding activities, including complex activities such as planning and organization.

Be aware of your spending, keep track of your monthly expenses, and don't be afraid to spend yourself (for good reason ) after a month of hard work. Happiness will bring joy to the brain and improve brain health later on.

9. Add coconut oil to your daily diet

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This may sound new, but according to a recent study, it is possible to add coconut oil to our daily diet to reduce the risk of neurodegenerative diseases, to help prevent diseases such as Alzheimer's. and Parkinson. Medium -chain triglyceride (MCT ) coconut oil, has been shown to enhance brain function from the first use.

Many people find that coconut oil is more palatable when used in cooking and baking, with the above scientific studies, as well as more research in the near future, the more we There are many reasons to put coconut oil into a regular diet. [9 ways to make beauty with coconut oil simple and effective]

It is not difficult to keep the brain happy and healthy, right? Let's start with these helpful tips to keep your brain healthy and happy!

Refer to some more articles:

  1. 4 effects of alcohol on the brain that many people do not know
  2. Science proves: Women work more brains than men, so they need more sleep!
  3. Scientifically proven: Meditation keeps our brains "young" and healthy

Having fun!

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