Samsung may be building a 5G smartphone for next year

After being mentioned with the latest 5G modem question published by Huawei, CTO of SK Telecom Park Jin-Hyo gave an unprecedented answer.

At MWC 2018, when asked about the latest 5G modem announced by Huawei, Park Jin-Hyo and SK Telecom's CTO gave the answer quite difficult to predict.

"Huawei has achieved outstanding achievements in terms of technology. Samsung may not say much, but has quietly created many products. Maybe its next product launched is a 5G device." .

(SK Telecom is Korea's major wireless operator, a subsidiary of SK Group, one of the largest corporations in Korea.)

  1. What is the 5G network?
  2. Qualcomm's $ 2 billion 5G network project will be available on Lenovo, Oppo, Vivo and Xiaomi phones

This CTO is not surprised by the fact that Huawei has made many advances in the new 5G network technology, which has not been exploited much. Based on Park Jin-Hyo's statement, we can bet that a Samsung 5G-enabled device will appear faster than we expected. It could be Galaxy S10 or Galaxy X next year.

Picture 1 of Samsung may be building a 5G smartphone for next year

Not only that, there are rumors that next year, the Snapdragon 855 chip will be equipped with Qualcomm's latest X24 modem, supporting the pre-5G (faster than 4G but not reaching the speed of 5G) with a download speed of 2Gbps. . In addition, the Korean manufacturer is also pushing towards its own 5G modem with download speeds of 5Gbps, which is expected to appear on Galaxy devices, along with Exynos chips.

Lastly, equally important is Samsung's new S3 factory that will start producing the first Snapdragon 5G chipset and will be mass-produced by the end of 2018. Samsung was the first company to use Snapdragon 8xx for two years. over, thanks to a deal with Qualcomm to produce the processor. So, we can expect that the Snapdragon 855 with 5G network support may come first with the upcoming Galaxy series in the near future.

See more:

  1. Samsung produces dedicated chips to dig virtual money
  2. Samsung will sell smart speakers with Bixby virtual assistant at the end of 2018
  3. Samsung invested $ 6 billion in the new 7nm EUV factory
Update 24 May 2019


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