Restrict users to change system settings Picture 1
Control what users do on the computer with User Control.
First of all, with Windows XP : start the job and make sure you're the only user using an account with administrative rights, and that account must have a password. Next, you grant to all other users of the Limited or Restricted group account: select Start -> Run , type Control Userpasswords , and press. In Windows XP, you select the accounts in the admin group and click Change the account type -> Limited -> Change Account Type , or click Create a new account and follow the instructions, choose the Limited account. In Windows 2000 (and in many Windows versions), select the account and click Properties -> Restricted user -> OK -> OK ; or select Add and follow the step-by-step instructions, select Restricted user when this option appears.
To protect your administrator account when not available on your computer, right-click the Windows screen and select Properties Screen Saver . Next, select a screen saver mode if not already available, set the Wait time to activate this mode when you leave your desk, select the On resume item, display Welcome screen . Then, click the Power button, on the Advanced tab , select Prompt for password when computer resumes from standby , and press OK twice to finish.
Only accounts belonging to the administrative group can install the software, change the power management parameters, or run the Msconfig utility. However, other accounts (not administrative accounts) can still run programs that do not require installation on the system, and can still disable the antivirus program. The User Control utility (download the trial version at ) allows you to control individuals and groups of users, set up white lists and blacklists of programs and websites, preventing potential access the Properties dialog box to edit and record the addresses of web sites that have been viewed and the programs executed.
Bui Xuan Toai