Razer makes masks to donate the epidemic area

Razer is just one of a handful of technology companies that suddenly switched their production lines to masks to meet the anti-epidemic needs of countries around the world.

Recently, well-known accessory maker Razer announced that it had converted its production line to medical masks. These masks will be donated to countries struggling against the Covid-19 pandemic.

Picture 1 of Razer makes masks to donate the epidemic area

Min-Liang Tan, co-founder and CEO of Razer, said the company made the decision very quickly, despite the growing demand for gaming devices due to people having more time at home to isolate. . That also means the sales of its products will be increasing.

But Tan said that all companies are responsible for fighting the Covid-19 pandemic and that Razer is one of them.

Picture 2 of Razer makes masks to donate the epidemic area

Min-Liang Tan, co-founder and CEO of Razer

Tan said: "Over the past few days, our designers and engineers have worked in a 24-hour shift to convert some of our existing production lines into medical masks to donate. We are planning to donate up to 1 million masks to health officials around the world, and we will first contact the Singapore government because this is where the headquarters is located. Razer's headquarters in Southeast Asia. "

Sharing on his Twitter post, Tan said he was contacting the authorities in Malaysia and Australia to donate the next batch. Of course, all the countries that Razer donates to masks are where the company has its headquarters or offices.

Refer to Softpedia

Update 23 March 2020


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