Oil-free fryer - Collection of 50+ delicious recipes easy to make

Thanks to the advantages of fast, convenient and easy to use, the oil-free fryers are often selected by housewives to prepare many delicious delicacies for the whole family. Here is a list of over 50 recipes and dishes that you can create with an oil-free fryer. Refer to enriching the family's meal.

Thanks to the advantages of fast, convenient and easy to use, the oil-free fryers are often selected by housewives to prepare many delicious delicacies for the whole family.

Here is a list of over 50 recipes and dishes that you can create with an oil-free fryer. Refer to enriching the family's meal.

Picture 1 of Oil-free fryer - Collection of 50+ delicious recipes easy to make

Why use an oil-free fryer?

  1. Save 70-80% of the oil: Using a vacuum fryer to fry food not only saves you an extremely large amount of oil but also is good for health, especially for people with cardiovascular disease, fat.
  2. Processing a variety of dishes: Besides frying, you can also use the pot to dry food, prepare baked dishes . without investing in an oven.
  3. Save time processing food
  4. Delicious, smokeless food: The pot is equipped with an odor and smoke filter so you can rest assured that food will always retain its characteristic aroma without smoky or unpleasant odors.
  5. Keep the kitchen space always clean.

Are the reasons enough to convince you to equip your family with a vacuum fryer? And here are some recipes as well as suggestions for delicacies made from oil-free fryer.

Synthesis of 50+ delicacies made with oil-free fryer

1. Grilled frog thigh with guise leaves

To make this dish, you need to prepare: Frog legs, guise leaves, garlic, dry onions and salt.

The processing is quite simple as follows:

  1. Frog legs after cleaning you take away and squeeze salt then wash again and drain
  2. Use a knife to chop the frog's thigh to quickly absorb the spice.
  3. Put the frog in a large bowl, marinate with dry onions, minced garlic and a little spice powder to infuse (light marinated). Marinate for 30 minutes.
  4. Part of chopped garlic onion into non-aromatic with old hot cooking oil, then the frogs on the island are infused, pay attention for more cooking oil, the frog will be fragrant and not dry.
  5. Put the frog in a fryer set 140 degrees until cooked.
  6. Betel leaf (about 20-30 leaves) cut into large pieces with your fingers and put in a pan with a little cooking oil, stir well, then leave the guise leaves on the frog surface baked 5-7 minutes. Take out the guise leaves on a plate, then put the cooked frogs on top.

Picture 2 of Oil-free fryer - Collection of 50+ delicious recipes easy to make

2. Grilled corn with onion

Ingredients for this dish include: sweet corn, olive oil and scallions.

Processing is as follows:

  1. Wash the corn
  2. Chopped green onion
  3. Apply a moderate layer of oil to the corn, then put in the fryer to choose 12 minutes of baking at 200 degrees C
  4. Wait until the proverb is nearly ripe for you to add the green onions

Picture 3 of Oil-free fryer - Collection of 50+ delicious recipes easy to make

3. Grilled shrimp with salt and pepper

Materials needed: Fresh shrimp, pepper salt, garlic, onion, carrots, spices.

Proceed as follows:

  1. Prawn cleaned, then marinated with garlic and salt and pepper to taste. Marinate for 10 minutes.
  2. Onions washed, cut, cut carrots cut into shreds
  3. Put the shrimp in an oil-free fryer with onions and set the pot temperature to 200 degrees C for 15 minutes

Picture 4 of Oil-free fryer - Collection of 50+ delicious recipes easy to make

4. Stuffed tomatoes

With just a simple action of stuffing tomatoes into the normal and then selecting the temperature of 180 degrees C in 9 minutes, you have a very attractive meat stuffed tomato. Note that before cooking, you should apply a layer of oil on the top to make the meat soft and tomatoes are not crushed.

Picture 5 of Oil-free fryer - Collection of 50+ delicious recipes easy to make

5. Garlic toast with garlic bread

Prepare sliced ​​bread. Crushed garlic into small pieces, put butter into a pan to let butter melt. Add garlic to the filament until fragrant, note that it is not too burnt because it is still baked.

Then spoon with butter, garlic on bread, sprinkle with chopped coriander, put in a fryer 180 degrees 4-5 minutes. Hot crispy food will taste better.

Picture 6 of Oil-free fryer - Collection of 50+ delicious recipes easy to make

6. Fried street sweet potato

Roll over the potatoes in a bowl of oil and fry them in 200 degrees for the first 10 minutes, then turn on the surface for another 5 minutes.

Picture 7 of Oil-free fryer - Collection of 50+ delicious recipes easy to make

7. Grilled ribs BBQ

Proceed as follows:

  1. Ribs washed, then marinated with a little diluted salt water and chopped large pieces
  2. Marinate the ribs with chopped garlic onion, oyster sauce, honey, pre-baked grilled rib sauce, seasoning seeds within 30 minutes
  3. Bake the first 200 degrees 6-7 minutes, flip the ribs, grill the second time for 4-5 minutes until the ribs are golden.
  4. Note when grilling remove garlic onion to prevent burning. While grilling, add a little garlic onion, pour the marinated ribs in, add a bit of ketchup will have the rib sauce to sprinkle.

Picture 8 of Oil-free fryer - Collection of 50+ delicious recipes easy to make

8. Pizza of minced beef

Ingredients to prepare: Commercially available pizza crust, chopped beef market, tomatoes, onions, olives, tomato ketchup, grated cheese

Proceed as follows:

  1. Minced beef sauce with tomatoes then add a bit of ketchup to match and season to taste.
  2. Grab a pre-bought pizza base, sweep a thin layer of ketchup onto the surface of the cake then pour the minced and sour beef sauce on evenly, sprinkle cheese on top.
  3. Put in a 180 degree baking pan for 5 minutes.

Picture 9 of Oil-free fryer - Collection of 50+ delicious recipes easy to make

9. Bacon rolls grilled vegetables

You can chop the carrot, susu and roll it outside with bacon. If you want to eat more greasy, you can roll extra cheese.

Picture 10 of Oil-free fryer - Collection of 50+ delicious recipes easy to make

10. Roast duck

How to make roast duck with vacuum fryer as follows:

  1. Ducks cleaned, split in two, stabbed with a sharp fork on his body.
  2. Use the juice of 1/2 orange marinated with duck, add 1/2 teaspoon of seasoning seeds, 1/2 teaspoon of spice, 1 teaspoon of diameter, 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric powder. Allow about 30 - 45 minutes for the duck to infuse, stirring at a time.
  3. Arrange the duck on the baking sheet.
  4. Set the temperature to 120 degrees, every 15 minutes set unripe put the shrimp depending on how big or small duck. When the duck is soft and cooked, raise the oven temperature to 180 degrees and grill for 5-7 minutes, the duck's skin will turn yellow and the face will be delicious.
  5. Take the duck out of the oven, let cool down and chop small and long pieces, not so big that it gets tough easily.

Picture 11 of Oil-free fryer - Collection of 50+ delicious recipes easy to make

11. Grilled salmon with sweet and sour sauce

Salmon marinated with a little oyster sauce and spices, a few cloves of minced garlic.

Marinate soak in the oven for 7-10 minutes quickly at 150 degrees.

Soy sauce is made from Japanese sauce and sprinkled on top of sesame seeds, so you can eat it hot.

Picture 12 of Oil-free fryer - Collection of 50+ delicious recipes easy to make

12. Grilled satay squid

  1. Marinate squid with 3 tablespoons satay, 1/3 teaspoon pepper, 1 teaspoon seasoning seeds, 1 teaspoon fish sauce, 2 tablespoons sugar + minced garlic. Marinate for 30 minutes to infuse spices.
  2. Put the squid on the blister pack of the oil-free fryer. Press the switch and wait for the ink to set.
  3. Arrange tomatoes + cucumber around the plate. Place the ink in the center of the disc.

Picture 13 of Oil-free fryer - Collection of 50+ delicious recipes easy to make

13. Salmon with orange sauce

  1. Roll salmon with tapioca flour and fry.
  2. Aromatic onion and orange juice + orange meat in frying oil without sugar and seasoning seeds to taste.
  3. Put the fish in the pot until the mixture is smooth.
  4. Put the salmon on a plate of sauce and use coriander to decorate it beautifully.

Picture 14 of Oil-free fryer - Collection of 50+ delicious recipes easy to make

14. Grilled eel rolls with piper lolot

  1. Eel cleaned, one cut in half. Eel marinated with a little oyster sauce and soy sauce, add a little pepper to taste.
  2. Pork head filet has both fat and lean grind diced, marinated with oyster sauce, spices, pepper, chopped garlic onion. Allow 15-20 minutes to infuse.
  3. Divide meat into small pieces, take 1/2 rolled eel. Washed guise leaves folded 3 along the petiole and rolled outside.
  4. Spread the oil in the grill, put the eel rolled into the pot and spread another layer of oil on the palm leaf.
  5. Bake for about 20 minutes at 120 degrees can become eel to spread the oil on the underside and continue to cook for 5-10 minutes to cook.

Picture 15 of Oil-free fryer - Collection of 50+ delicious recipes easy to make

15. Fried spring rolls

You make rolls as usual

Then, heat the oven for about 5 minutes, add the spring rolls, set to 180 degrees C and the first 12 minutes.

All batches after 10 minutes because the oven was too hot. Depending on the shape big or small that set the time.

Picture 16 of Oil-free fryer - Collection of 50+ delicious recipes easy to make

16. Fried chicken wings with fish sauce

Take a small cup / small bowl, add a pinch of salt, 4 tablespoons fish sauce, 2 tablespoons sugar and 3 cloves of crushed and crushed garlic. Add about 50ml of water and stir well.

Cover chicken with food wrap, add half of seasoning water, mix well and refrigerate for a few hours or overnight.

Remove the chicken wrapped in parchment paper or foil for 200 minutes in the oven for 20 minutes. After the chicken has cooked for 20 minutes, take the chicken out of the paper, put in a large bowl and pour the remaining seasoning water, stirring the chicken to absorb the seasoning.

Put all in the fryer again, this time do not pack in paper, take a broom to dip the sauce and sweep onto the chicken to remove all the seasoning, then press 10 minutes and remove as desired.

Picture 17 of Oil-free fryer - Collection of 50+ delicious recipes easy to make

17. Deep-fried bacon

Picture 18 of Oil-free fryer - Collection of 50+ delicious recipes easy to make

Delicious dish with oil-free fryer from bacon (Source: phunutieudung.com.vn)

18. Chicken breast salad

Picture 19 of Oil-free fryer - Collection of 50+ delicious recipes easy to make

Chicken breast salad (Source: blog.wefit.vn)

19. Fried banana bread

Picture 20 of Oil-free fryer - Collection of 50+ delicious recipes easy to make

20. Pizza calzone fried

Picture 21 of Oil-free fryer - Collection of 50+ delicious recipes easy to make

21. Chicken fried with Chinese soy sauce

Picture 22 of Oil-free fryer - Collection of 50+ delicious recipes easy to make

Chicken sauteed with Chinese soy sauce (Source: cookinglight.com)

22. Baked Empanadas

Picture 23 of Oil-free fryer - Collection of 50+ delicious recipes easy to make

23. Mexican fried corn

Picture 24 of Oil-free fryer - Collection of 50+ delicious recipes easy to make

24. Onion wrapped with grilled cheese

Picture 25 of Oil-free fryer - Collection of 50+ delicious recipes easy to make

25. Grilled salmon with dill salad

Picture 26 of Oil-free fryer - Collection of 50+ delicious recipes easy to make

Grilled salmon with dill salad (Source: cookinglight.com)

26. Fried coconut shrimp

Picture 27 of Oil-free fryer - Collection of 50+ delicious recipes easy to make

27. Italian-style meatballs.

Picture 28 of Oil-free fryer - Collection of 50+ delicious recipes easy to make

28. Vegetarian mooncakes

Picture 29 of Oil-free fryer - Collection of 50+ delicious recipes easy to make

29. Galangal baked fish

  1. The fish is cleaned by squeezing the fish with salt + vinegar / wine + crushed ginger to eliminate the fishy smell. Cut the bite-sized piece, then pat the area dry with a clean towel
  2. Galangal, discharge, chopped onions and put in a small blender. Filter for water. Marinate fish with fish sauce, pepper, spaghetti, oyster sauce, soup powder, sugar, cooking oil, batches, turmeric powder and galangal drain for at least 1 hour to infuse spices. Stir the fish occasionally to allow all to infuse
  3. Put a layer of foil under the fryer, making sure to pierce the oil down. Put the fish in a pot and turn on 15 minutes for 200 degrees. Tilt the fish over and continue to turn on another 10-15p and you're done

Picture 30 of Oil-free fryer - Collection of 50+ delicious recipes easy to make

Source: Emdep.vn

30. Grilled carp

After preparing the fish and ingredients, marinate the fish with a mixture of all spices and prepared ingredients, add lemongrass to the fish's belly and leave for about 30 minutes for the fish to absorb the seasoning.

Then, heat the pot and place the fish in the grill at 200 degrees C for 15 minutes on each side of the fish.

Picture 31 of Oil-free fryer - Collection of 50+ delicious recipes easy to make

31. Baked sweet potato butter

Rinse the sweet potato, drain, slice it thinly and spread the butter on the surface of each slice, put it into a preheated pot and bake at 180 degrees C for 17 minutes to have a delicious batch of sweet potatoes for the whole family family.

Picture 32 of Oil-free fryer - Collection of 50+ delicious recipes easy to make

32. Grilled shrimp with salt and pepper pepper

Prawns marinated with garlic and pepper are arranged in a pot with onions and grilled at 200 degrees C for 15 minutes and then served with a salad of your choice. Dried roasted shrimp in an air cooker helps preserve the sweetness of shrimp meat and its nutrients.

Picture 33 of Oil-free fryer - Collection of 50+ delicious recipes easy to make

33. Fried red snapper

Spread a layer of oil around the baking sheet and the fish. Turn the pot on for the first time at a temperature of 180 degrees for 10 minutes for cooked fish. The second time turn 200 degrees in 25 minutes to make the fish crispy.

Picture 34 of Oil-free fryer - Collection of 50+ delicious recipes easy to make

34. Roasted dove

When the bird has marinated to infuse, line the foil under an oil-free fryer, fold the bird in, and roll the foil.

Put in the grill for 15 minutes - with 180 degrees. Then open the foil and bake for 200 degrees for 10 minutes. Next flip 200 degrees for 5 minutes.

Picture 35 of Oil-free fryer - Collection of 50+ delicious recipes easy to make

35. Bun cha

Picture 36 of Oil-free fryer - Collection of 50+ delicious recipes easy to make

Source: Cookpad.com

36. Oysters grilled with cheese

Picture 37 of Oil-free fryer - Collection of 50+ delicious recipes easy to make

Source: Cookpad.com

37. Grilled meat rolls with lemongrass

Picture 38 of Oil-free fryer - Collection of 50+ delicious recipes easy to make

38. Bread

Picture 39 of Oil-free fryer - Collection of 50+ delicious recipes easy to make

39. Grilled oysters with onion

Picture 40 of Oil-free fryer - Collection of 50+ delicious recipes easy to make

40. Grilled chopped fish slices

Picture 41 of Oil-free fryer - Collection of 50+ delicious recipes easy to make

41. Orange peel jam

Picture 42 of Oil-free fryer - Collection of 50+ delicious recipes easy to make

42. La Vong grilled fish

Picture 43 of Oil-free fryer - Collection of 50+ delicious recipes easy to make

43. Fried sweet potato pancakes

Picture 44 of Oil-free fryer - Collection of 50+ delicious recipes easy to make

44. Scallops - grilled crayfish

Picture 45 of Oil-free fryer - Collection of 50+ delicious recipes easy to make

45. Grilled goby with salt and chili

Picture 46 of Oil-free fryer - Collection of 50+ delicious recipes easy to make

46. ​​Chicken breast rolls fried

Picture 47 of Oil-free fryer - Collection of 50+ delicious recipes easy to make

47. Honey-grilled chicken drumstick

Picture 48 of Oil-free fryer - Collection of 50+ delicious recipes easy to make

48. Squid satay spicy

Picture 49 of Oil-free fryer - Collection of 50+ delicious recipes easy to make

49. Crispy onions with fried Hotdog sauce

Picture 50 of Oil-free fryer - Collection of 50+ delicious recipes easy to make

50. Spanakopita traditional cake

Picture 51 of Oil-free fryer - Collection of 50+ delicious recipes easy to make

51. Crispy tofu

Picture 52 of Oil-free fryer - Collection of 50+ delicious recipes easy to make

With the suggestion of 50+ delicious dishes made from the oil-free fryer above, you will surely have more attractive meals to treat your loved ones, right?

Own the quality vacuum fryer right now to be able to make them the easiest way!

Update 23 October 2019


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