Reveal 8 'immortal' magic tricks - the only thing you see turned out to be no magic at all!

If you look at these pictures, you will understand how we are being fooled in the immortal magician's magic tricks. Reveal 8 immortal magic tricks - the only thing you see turns out there's no magic at all!
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Many people think that magicians always bring joy and magic in our lives, but there are many people who are skeptical and hard to believe in those mysteries. For example, the famous magician Penn and Teller broke all the problematic theories about the end of the world and the omnipotence of miracles in their program.
However, these magical tricks are still often done by magic experts every day.

If you look at these pictures, you will understand how we are being " fooled " in the magic tricks of the magician.

Obviously, the nature of a fascinating magic trick is skill , performance skills and a bit of visual trick tricks . And these are the somewhat truthful facts to "rip off" 8 "immortal" magic tricks - the only thing you see turns out to be no miracle !

1. Turn this person into another person

Reveal 8 'immortal' magic tricks - the only thing you see turned out to be no magic at all! Picture 1Reveal 8 'immortal' magic tricks - the only thing you see turned out to be no magic at all! Picture 1

Usually people will see the magician cover himself with a black cloth bag and the assistant will tie that bag. After that, the magician was placed in a wooden box and locked the trunk. The assistant will perform some movements beside the ark so that the audience can confirm that the trunk is locked and there is no way to open it without the key.

Next, the assistant will stand above the trunk, slowly pull up the black scarf above the head and then . she disappears, instead of the magician's appearance.

Secret : On that big black bag, there is a zipper that can open completely inside. The trunk surface is also specially designed to open easily from the middle, without affecting the lock. When the assistant picked up the cloak, the magician came out of the bag, took his coat and the assistant would jump into the bag to change her outfit. The couple worked quickly and combined the idea to make the show even more spectacular . Along with acting ability to attract the audience, this magic swapping position has been successfully completed, deceiving the audience easily.

2. Throw knives at people

Reveal 8 'immortal' magic tricks - the only thing you see turned out to be no magic at all! Picture 2Reveal 8 'immortal' magic tricks - the only thing you see turned out to be no magic at all! Picture 2

At first glance, this procedure can be very dangerous. But the truth is that people are fixed to the goal always safe.

Secret: The magician doesn't throw knives. Instead, he hid knives in a secret bag with lightning speed. There is a helper behind the target shooting with a special mechanism on the back of the target. The entire procedure is quick and coordinated , which is why we think the knives are hit.

3. Human stretching screen

Reveal 8 'immortal' magic tricks - the only thing you see turned out to be no magic at all! Picture 3Reveal 8 'immortal' magic tricks - the only thing you see turned out to be no magic at all! Picture 3

With this magic trick, the assistant will go into a large box where only the head, hands, and feet stick out. The magician will move the parts of the assistant body in ways that seem impossible.

Before the performance, the magician would prove to the audience that the inside of the box was empty, completely empty but there were 2 people behind the frame. And then when the performance starts, the magician will start . separating her head, hand, and foot parts ridiculously .

Reveal 8 'immortal' magic tricks - the only thing you see turned out to be no magic at all! Picture 4Reveal 8 'immortal' magic tricks - the only thing you see turned out to be no magic at all! Picture 4

Reveal 8 'immortal' magic tricks - the only thing you see turned out to be no magic at all! Picture 5Reveal 8 'immortal' magic tricks - the only thing you see turned out to be no magic at all! Picture 5

Secret: To have this magic show requires 3 assistants instead of 1 person as the audience still thinks. When the magician opened the door to prove there was no one inside, there were actually two other assistants standing in the back of the door.

And then 2 people still reach their hands out, their legs out " waving ", the other will stick their head out. Even though the magician pulled his head up or down, his hands and feet were stretched, the assistants were still unharmed.

4. Transfer water into ice

Reveal 8 'immortal' magic tricks - the only thing you see turned out to be no magic at all! Picture 6Reveal 8 'immortal' magic tricks - the only thing you see turned out to be no magic at all! Picture 6

The magician poured water into the glass but one stone fell out of the glass, instead of water. Of course, there is no violation of any physical laws.

Secret : There is a sponge hidden inside the water. And a stone is also hidden inside the glass. You can perform this procedure at home, but remember that " magic " glasses should not be transparent.

5. Turn on the pigeon

Reveal 8 'immortal' magic tricks - the only thing you see turned out to be no magic at all! Picture 7Reveal 8 'immortal' magic tricks - the only thing you see turned out to be no magic at all! Picture 7

People often admire the performance of dragging one or more pigeons out of a magician's box? But strangely, when I opened the box, there was no bird hidden inside.

Secret : Don't believe it, because they were hidden in a secret place in the box. Specifically, at the top of the box, this compartment is quite small and made as " invisible " but contained in it are doves.

6. The magic live buried

Reveal 8 'immortal' magic tricks - the only thing you see turned out to be no magic at all! Picture 8Reveal 8 'immortal' magic tricks - the only thing you see turned out to be no magic at all! Picture 8

Reveal 8 'immortal' magic tricks - the only thing you see turned out to be no magic at all! Picture 9Reveal 8 'immortal' magic tricks - the only thing you see turned out to be no magic at all! Picture 9

First, the magician will lie in a trunk, his hands and feet bound tightly to the board below. The partner will dig a hole and put the trunk down. They landed above but strangely only a few minutes later, the magician appeared in another place as if nothing had happened .

Not many magicians agree to perform this stage because they are quite risky. However, if trot is completed, it is an extremely attractive performance.

Secret : The magician's hand lock, foot lock can be easily opened. And the location of the trunk was calculated, preparing a small excavated tunnel with full support to help the magician not suffocate under it. This small tunnel will reach the ground. The magician will escape, surprisingly appearing.

7. Stab the needle through the skin

Reveal 8 'immortal' magic tricks - the only thing you see turned out to be no magic at all! Picture 10Reveal 8 'immortal' magic tricks - the only thing you see turned out to be no magic at all! Picture 10

Reveal 8 'immortal' magic tricks - the only thing you see turned out to be no magic at all! Picture 11Reveal 8 'immortal' magic tricks - the only thing you see turned out to be no magic at all! Picture 11

The magician was intimidated by the audience with a show of piercing through the skin.Blood will leak and with a painful scream - this will make the audience " believe in sorrow " and the magic show adds success.

Secret: But you know, the secret of this performance lies in the clever makeup . A transparent layer of glue was covered on the magician's upper arm. He will also add a layer of foundation cream to the skin color. And now, the needle piercing through my hand was not difficult. Add some pre-prepared fake blood and performance skills - this magic is always highly effective.

8. Swallow the sword

Reveal 8 'immortal' magic tricks - the only thing you see turned out to be no magic at all! Picture 12Reveal 8 'immortal' magic tricks - the only thing you see turned out to be no magic at all! Picture 12 © Česko slovensko cheek talent / youtube

This spectacular secret depends entirely on the magician's actions. The focus is that the sword should go in a particular direction so as not to hurt any internal organs . The throat and throat should form straight lines. Magicians have to practice a lot if they want to do this.

Do you believe in magicians? Or do you understand and reveal all their secrets in the blink of an eye?Please share your experience in the comment section below!

Refer to some more articles:

  1. Flipping the classic escape magic: sticking your feet, handcuffs, hanging upside down in the water box and still escaping safely
  2. Reveal the secret magic of classic magic going through the Great Wall of the "witch" David Copperfield
  3. Decoding the magic screen walking on the water makes many people think of the mysterious power

Having fun!

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