New online tools can help treat alcohol use disorders

The National Institute of Alcohol and Drug Abuse has designed a new online tool to help people identify and find ways to treat alcohol use disorder.

The National Institute of Alcohol and Drug Abuse has designed a new online tool to help people identify and find ways to treat alcohol use disorder.

The NIAAA Institute's Alcohol Addiction Treatment System is a comprehensive, easy-to-use online tool to help individuals and family members navigate complex processes in choosing treatments for problems. alcohol

Picture 1 of New online tools can help treat alcohol use disorders

Alcohol use disorder has previously affected more than 15 million adults in the United States.

" We have developed this tool to help solve problems related to the treatment of alcohol, addictive alcohol ", Director of the NIAAA Institute, George F. Koob said in a press release.

In any one year, less than 10 percent of individuals diagnosed with alcohol use disorder are treated, and many of them do not receive appropriate care for their needs.

Alcohol Treatment Navigator has coordinated to provide materials, overview information on alcohol use disorders, describing treatment options and step-by-step instructions for finding directories Online from connected treatment providers includes information from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Practitioner Consul.

The operator must also provide the user with 10 questions to answer, then the patient must also provide the doctor or health care provider with signs and conditions to listen to together. So, based on the tool after analysis, you will download the file quickly, contributing to simplifying the treatment process.

Lori Ducharme, director of the NIAAA's Health Services Research Program, said: " Alcoholism treatment may have found a new effective method, " said Lori Ducharme, chief executive of the NIAAA.

" Knowing where to treat is very difficult, mainly because the treatment has many forms that are usually integrated into health care in general, not with a specific treatment. It makes it difficult to treat. to find care and treatment methods that patients need '. Come to this tool, patients are guided them through a step-by-step process to find a qualified and skilled treatment provider " .

Update 24 May 2019


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