5 simple ways to minimize the impact of alcohol

Are you looking for ways to minimize the impact of alcohol before going out or after drinking a large amount of beer and spirits? Do you want to eliminate the discomfort after being drunk the next day, the feeling that you wish you could sink into a coma caused by alcohol to avoid a headache pain?

Are you looking for ways to minimize the impact of alcohol before going out or after drinking a large amount of beer and spirits? Do you want to eliminate the discomfort after the drunkenness the next day, the feeling that you wish you could sink in a " coma " caused by alcohol to avoid a headache pain? Or are you simply worried about your beer smell? Similar to many cases in today's life, the key to reducing the impact of alcohol is to prepare and drink in moderation. Simply put: drink responsibly . Let's take a look at the 5 simple ways below to minimize the negative impact of alcohol.

Method 1: Drink carefully

1. Eat before drinking

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After drinking alcohol, they will survive inside the stomach and wait for treatment. If inside the stomach does not contain food, that amount of alcohol will be processed faster at the same time. On the other hand, if you have eaten before drinking, alcohol will enter the digestive system more slowly at different speeds, thereby reducing their effects immediately. This is especially important when drinking alcohol for a long time, such as drinking in a pub.

2. Drink slowly

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Similar to the reason that you need to fill your stomach with food, slow drinking allows your body to handle alcohol for a period of time. Besides, if you drink too quickly and it will be difficult for your stomach to handle them.

3. Choose drinks carefully

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It is advisable to choose a drink that contains a small amount of congener ( a substance that is produced during fermentation) , which will help reduce the formation of a " jerky " sensation after intoxication. Light beers and white wines often contain less congener than dark and strong beers. Stay away from brandy ( common names for spirits ), whiskey and red wine .

  1. Cheap beers often leave a bad aftertaste because the body has to consume more energy to handle the remaining impurities in alcohol.
  2. Colorless wine like vodka, gin ( with a clear scent of juniper and herbs ) and white rum is a good choice.

Method 2: Provide water for the body

1. Drink plenty of water

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Drink water before you start drinking alcohol and alcoholic drinks. Because the main cause of uncomfortable feeling after the main intoxication is dehydration , drinking as much water as possible. If you feel dizzy after being drunk, you should also drink plenty of water.

  1. Drink about half a liter of water before going to bed at night. Because the body will continue to process before you sleep - even though it's just a little water - you may wake up by feeling dehydrated while you sleep.
  2. Put a glass of water next to your bed to drink when you wake up.

2. Drinking sports water (sports drinks)

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In addition to filtered water, isotonic sports drinks will quickly replenish the body's liquid and add the necessary carbohydrate to create energy and electrolytes for your body. Besides, sports drinks are also very good in calming the stomach. You can choose the taste you want to not feel nauseous.

3. Drink orange juice

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Specifically, vitamin C will help replenish the body's energy - essential when feeling tired after a drunk. In addition, the amount of fructose found in many fruit juices will help supplement the amount of sugar the body uses up to handle the alcohol consumed. Tomato juice and fresh coconut water are great options.

4. Stay away from drinks containing caffeine

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Because alcohol is an inhibitor and makes us feel sleepy, coffee is seen as a popular treatment for all problems. However, coffee makes the body lose more water. If the stomach is uncomfortable, coffee will cause more irritation. Therefore, you should only drink filtered water or other drinks better than coffee.

5. Drink Sprite

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Researchers in China examined the effectiveness of 57 drinks and found that Sprite is the most effective drink against the effects of alcohol. The liver releases the alcohol dehydrogenase enzyme when drinking alcohol. The duration of this enzyme in the body is directly related to the prolongation of the discomfort after intoxication. You need to quickly remove it if you want to disconnect this feeling. Besides, the researchers also pointed out that Sprite rid the body of alcohol dehydrogenase faster than any other drink. In fact, herbal tea helps prolong the presence of this enzyme.

6. Don't drink too much alcohol

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Stay away from the idea of ​​" taking poison ". Many people will tell you that just by drinking a little more of the drink you used to eat the night before, you can get rid of this feeling of intoxication, don't listen to them. All of which will extend the duration of the effects of alcohol in the body. In addition, it can paralyze symptoms for a short time, but will definitely make the aftertaste much worse.

Method 3: Eat to fight against the effects of alcohol

1. Eat eggs

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Eggs are essential foods to cure the feeling of amazement after any drunkenness. Because eggs contain amino acids called cysteine, it eliminates the amount of toxins introduced into the body through alcohol. So, you should eat a bit of egg whites that can quickly return to normal feeling.

  1. Make fried eggs or omelet eggs; as long as they cook. There are some common ideas that should be eaten by live eggs after drinking. However, this is extremely dangerous because salmonella bacteria can enter the body at any time.

2. Eat crackers or bread

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Surely, the first thought that pops up in your mind will be to eat a greasy cheese sandwich? Not to do so. You should only eat something light like crackers or toast. Both of these contain sodium - a necessary factor for the body to function properly and the factor is often reduced by drinking.

3. Consuming foods rich in potassium like bananas

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After drinking a lot of alcohol, you will urinate more often, so your body will lose a valuable amount of potassium. Decreased potassium will cause feelings of drowsiness, nausea and weakness. Bananas and kiwi are excellent sources of potassium. Baked potatoes, green leafy vegetables, apricots and mushrooms also contain lots of potassium. Consider eating a banana after drinking alcohol to minimize the effects of alcohol.

4. Eat nutrient rich soup

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Meat broth, chicken noodle and miso soup are great choices for many reasons. All of them contain the nutrients needed for the body to overcome the taste of drunkenness and the feeling of nausea caused by alcohol. Sodium, cysteine, water re-supply of water and broth will help a lot.

Method 4: Relax to minimize the impact of alcohol

1. Sleep well

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Time will be the best medicine to eliminate the aftertaste of intoxication. Because alcohol makes you feel sleepy, you may want to drink caffeine. However, this method will not produce the desired results. Your body needs time to recover. Take a nap. This is the best way to eliminate headaches and help you regain better judgment.

2. Bathing

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A warm bath will increase body temperature. Warm temperatures will help your body get ready for sleep and allow you to overcome a severe headache after intoxication. If you need to be alert when you are drunk, take a cold bath to help you stay awake and ready.

3. Take a walk

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A great way to control the effects of alcohol is on foot. Walking increases metabolism, processing what is still contained in the stomach more quickly. So walking for a while will help reduce the amount of alcohol impact. Obviously, alcohol weakens your ability to walk, so remember to go for a walk in a safe place - stay away from cars and stairs (the top two dangers when drunk ).

Method 5: Use the medication appropriately

1. Use ibuprofen, naproxen and other prescription non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications)

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Ibuprofen ( non-steroidal anti-inflammatory , antipyretic ), naproxen ( non-steroidal analgesics, anti-inflammatory ) and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs ( NSAIDs - non-steroidal anti-inflammatory services ) Help paralyze the intense headache. Follow the directions on the vial and do not take too much medicine unless directed by your doctor.

  1. Do not take acetaminophen (Tylenol). Acetaminophen (painkiller and fever reducer) will make your liver more active, leading to mild to severe swelling.

2. Drink or inject vitamin B6 supplements

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Vitamin B6 will help revitalize the body, increase cognitive function as well as minimize the feeling of nausea and vomiting. You can find vitamin B6 at most pharmacies or health food stores.

3. Using antacid (antacid)

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Abdominal pain and nausea are common effects of alcohol.Antacid tablets will help you regulate the amount of acid in your stomach. If you feel nauseous, use an antacid tablet. Antacid sodium alginate and potassium bicarbonate drugs are available for sale at pharmacies without a prescription. Remember to follow the instructions for use on the vial. Do not take more drugs than the dose prescribed by your doctor.

Refer to some more articles:

  1. How to prevent dizziness and nausea when reading books on the train
  2. Alcohol on New Year and 9 risks to unpredictable health
  3. What to eat, drink before drinking to avoid being drunk during Tet holidays?

Having fun!

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