Tips to help you get rid of alcohol quickly and effectively

Simple, easy-to-find dishes and drinks in the kitchen of every family have an effective effect on alcohol.

It is unavoidable that the men who are "too drunk" leading to drunkenness in happy gatherings with friends and relatives. Drunkness not only harms health but can also lead to death.

Here are simple, easy-to-find dishes and drinks in the kitchen of every family that has an effective effect on alcohol.

Fast drinks to help with alcohol

Fresh ginger

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Hot ginger makes blood vessels better circulate to help quickly dissolve alcohol in the body, so it is often used to combat drunkenness and alcohol.

Fresh ginger is about 60grams, sliced ​​into slices to bring water to drink. To increase efficiency, you can add one tablespoon of small honey to hot ginger water and then drink.

Sugarcane juice

A cup of pressed sugarcane juice will help solve alcohol quickly and extremely efficiently.

Green bean

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  1. Put green beans in the cilantro to get drinking water.
  2. Green beans are cooked to eat the whole water and the one that helps to solve alcohol erases the feeling of fatigue the next morning.
  3. Crush about half a can of green beans, mix it with cold boiled water and give people with alcohol poisoning to vomit all the stomach contents out of the body. Can poisoning rice porridge cooked with 30g licorice after vomiting.

Black beans

For black beans, for example, taking water divided into many times will help solve alcohol poisoning.


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500g of freshly washed morning glory, crushed and squeezed and squeezed to drink water many times during the day will kill alcohol quickly and effectively and solve alcohol poisoning.

Grapefruit juice

Grapefruit juice or directly eaten are both effective in quenching alcohol and detoxifying alcohol.


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A cup of ripe tomato juice not only helps detoxify alcohol but also replenishes the elements of potassium, calcium, sodium . reducing fatigue.

Green tea

In green tea contains tanic acid to reduce alcohol in alcohol and remove toxins from the body. A cup of solid green tea will have a very good effect on alcohol, some ginger slices can be added to improve efficiency.

Hot porridge cooked diluted

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Dilute porridge will cause the alcohol in the alcohol to condense. A hot bowl of diluted porridge will be extremely helpful for drunkards.

Mistakes when solving alcohol many people suffer

Drink lemonade

Many people often give drunkards lemon juice or sour drinks. This is completely wrong because it is easy to cause more stomach damage.

Induce vomiting for people who are intoxicated

Doing so makes it easy to vomit into the lungs, causing pneumonia. After drinking alcohol go out to the street right away.

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Drink alcohol antidote

Many people believe that taking antidote after drinking alcohol will not get drunk and can safely drink alcohol.The truth is that there is no antidote that can effectively prevent drunkenness, but it can only partially support some vitamins, salt, sugar .

Take headache medicine

Some analgesics, antipyretics when drunk will be harmful to the liver, irritating the stomach lining, causing gastrointestinal bleeding.

Take antiemetic medicine

These drugs will keep toxins in the body, liver can not filter toxins long time will cause the risk of cirrhosis, liver cancer.

To ensure health safety, everyone needs abstinence, not drinking too much alcohol, not drinking many types of alcohol at the same time. When you see signs of headaches, dizziness . after a few hours drinking alcohol, you should go to the hospital immediately.

  1. 5 simple ways to minimize the impact of alcohol
  2. Things not to do after drinking alcohol, especially during Tet
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