New laptop trend in 2008

The end of the year is an opportunity for experts to make predictions about different technology areas for the next year. Of these, laptops (Laptops) - Laptops - attract the attention of many experts because this device is on the go.

The end of the year is an opportunity for experts to make predictions about different technology areas for the next year. Among these, laptops (Laptops) - Laptops - attracting the attention of many experts because this device is becoming more and more popular. Here are the supposedly remarkable trends for laptops next year.

2nd screen

The second screen is usually outside the lid of the laptop and can display content when the computer is closed. Toshiba Protégé R400 is considered the first laptop to use this design before Dell launched the XPS M1730 with similar features. However, it is not until next year that consumers get more choices. Meanwhile, these screens can display the game's parameters, or allow fast applications such as e-mail, instant messages .

More colorful and metallic shells

Dell, HP / Voodoo and Sony have launched laptops that allow you to choose the color of your device. A company called Smooth Creations this year goes even further by allowing customers to paint laptop covers. This trend seems to attract a lot of customers and is expected to be more popular next year. In addition to color, Gateway and Asus also use more metal in the design of laptop covers, making their products more beautiful and solid. This trend is expected to become more and more popular, especially for high-end laptop manufacturers who want to diversify their products.

Hybrid hard drives and solid-state hard drives

Hybrid hard drives - a combination of magnetic hard drives and solid-state hard drives - are expected to become popular next year. The biggest advantage of this hybrid hard drive is its energy saving, good working performance and reliability. Less popular than a hybrid hard drive is a bit of a solid-state hard drive that started to appear on the market this year. Although this type of hard drive is still expensive (over $ 500 for the 32 GB model), its price is expected to fall sharply throughout 2008. In addition, instead of being compatible with the current IDE connection standard, the hard drive Solid state will later support both SATA standards, so it works much faster.

Picture 1 of New laptop trend in 2008

Phoenix Technologies, which develops BIOS for computers, has just introduced a product called Failsafe with modern laptop protection features. If someone takes a laptop that uses this program, the computer will allow it to locate, delete data, call home and even open the camera to record the culprit and send it to the employer. Friends Since this program is in the BIOS, not in the software, the only way to turn it off is to smash the device.

Screen and keyboard

There are not many laptops that display good images in sunlight. However, this may change next year. Some new technologies help improve image quality, reduce the cost of this type of screen. Dell has started selling LED backlit displays - its XPS M1330 laptop model uses this type of display, while Asus, Sony and others will soon launch similar products.

Contrary to the screen, the keyboard tends to be designed to operate more efficiently in the dark. The Dell XPS M1730 laptop keyboard impresses by having a light-emitting system underneath and this feature is expected to appear in more laptops next year.

HD-DVD, Blu-ray and Wimax technology

HD-DVD and Blu-ray drives will appear more in laptops at a more attractive price. These two drives will give users the opportunity to connect laptops with widescreen TVs to enjoy high-definition movies. Meanwhile, Wimax technology with the ability to provide faster wireless Internet connectivity in a wider range than Wi-Fi is also more integrated in laptops next year.

Update 25 May 2019


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