Nasopharyngeal throat have any effect? Are there any methods to clear the nose and throat?

To protect children from respiratory diseases, parents need to equip many necessary skills. Among them is nasal throat gas. What is the effect of a nebulizer? ...

The nose and throat are the parts that are frequently exposed and affected by dust, air pollution, especially those with weak resistance like children. To cope with pollution as well as to change the weather, protect children from respiratory diseases, parents need to equip many necessary and rewarding skills. One of them has a nose and throat method. So what is the effect of nasal throat inhalation? Are there any methods to clear the nose and throat?What is the effect of the nebulizer ? . Let's find out!

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  1. Nasopharyngeal throat have any effect?
  2. Are there any nasal throat inhalation methods?
  3. Notes when using a nebulizer to inhale nose and throat

Nasopharyngeal throat have any effect?

In addition to methods such as injections, antibiotics, nasopharyngeal inhalation - using a nebulizer is also one of the treatments and supportive treatments used by doctors for babies with sugar conditions. Acute and chronic respiratory such as bronchopneumonia, allergic rhinitis . So let's see if this method has any specific effect!

Picture 1 of Nasopharyngeal throat have any effect? Are there any methods to clear the nose and throat?

Help patients absorb the drug well and effectively quickly, increasing the effectiveness of treatment. Compared with the method of injection, oral or infusion, using the method of nasal throat will help turn the medicine into a mist, penetrate deeply into the bronchus, bring immediate effect and minimize the side effects caused by the drug. .

Supporting in treating bronchiectasis, thinning sputum, making it easier for patients to breathe. These are the most noticeable effects of nasopharyngeal inhalation. This is good for patients with mild respiratory illness without antibiotics.

Very essential and effective for asthma patients. The characteristic of asthma attacks is that it is difficult to cure the disease completely, often happens suddenly, causing a nuisance to patients. Using nasopharyngeal nebulizer can quickly reduce asthma attacks, limit trouble for patients instead of waiting for the effects of taking or injecting drugs.

Picture 2 of Nasopharyngeal throat have any effect? Are there any methods to clear the nose and throat?

Limiting the side effects of antibiotics. In fact, thanks to the nasopharyngeal method, many children have recovered without the need to take oral medications, greatly reducing the side effects caused by the drug.

Just safe for health and save on medical costs. Compared to the cost of buying antibiotics for oral or injection, nasopharyngeal inhalation is considered the most economical method. Moreover, it is very safe for health, instead of taking or injecting, the medicine goes into the stomach, soaks into the bloodstream and then comes to the infected cells, the method of nasal throat is safer for health. Patients, direct inhalation drugs should be effective quickly and safely.

Are there any nasal throat inhalation methods?

Nasopharyngeal inhalation in folk

Folk also use many ways to nasal nose to treat diseases related to rhinitis, nasal clearance . very simple. The remedies used are mainly derived from natural herbs, leaves. These are usually leaves that contain essential oils and aromas and have good effects on the airways such as eucalyptus leaves, citronella leaves, mint, lemon leaves, perilla leaves, guava leaves; marjoram leaves . These are plants that have antiseptic properties and cleared the nose and throat, in addition to treating inflammation and helping patients feel comfortable.

Picture 3 of Nasopharyngeal throat have any effect? Are there any methods to clear the nose and throat?

Folk smelling is done quite simply. You add the leafy plants to the pot, fill with water, cover, bring to a boil and bring out the steam. You can do a full body or private nasal area.

When you inhale, open the lid of the water pot slowly and breathe slowly through your nose, then exhale through your mouth. Cook for 10-15 minutes.

In some cases, you can also use the familiar equipment such as cups, bowls . When rhinitis - throat, nose congestion uncomfortable, you can use crushed garlic cloves and a few drops of essential oil to the glass. (or bowl) hot water, then roll it into a funnel with a cardboard box, take a large head of funnel onto a glass of water, put a small head on the nose, throat to inhale .

Picture 4 of Nasopharyngeal throat have any effect? Are there any methods to clear the nose and throat?

This method has the advantage of being easy to find, easy to implement and economical. However, the effectiveness of treatment is usually not high, requiring many steps and time-consuming. Not to mention, the hot steam is very unsafe and causes many difficulties, especially for children. Are you sure that the child is obedient enough to sit still in a blanket covered with a full body or face to inhale? So please consider before using this method with children!

Nasopharyngeal inhalation machine

Overcoming the disadvantages of the traditional method of inhalation, nose and throat inhalation by a nebulizer has been created to make the nose and throat safer, easier to perform and higher efficiency.

Picture 5 of Nasopharyngeal throat have any effect? Are there any methods to clear the nose and throat?

A nebulizer is a fairly simple construction, usually consisting of a pressure-producing body, air ducts and a steaming mask. When using, you just need to put medicine or aerosol solution into the cup under the steaming mask and turn on the button. The device will create mist and slowly put into the nose of the patient.

The device is also quite compact design and handy to carry when traveling, moving. You can also let your baby rush in any posture, including moving in a car very handy.

Notes when using a nebulizer to inhale nose and throat

A nebulizer is a fairly common and effective nebulizer. However, using aerosol properly, using aerosol when not everyone knows. Here are some things parents should keep in mind when using this device at home:

Picture 6 of Nasopharyngeal throat have any effect? Are there any methods to clear the nose and throat?

  1. Do not arbitrarily buy and use aerosol antibiotics for children whenever having respiratory-related diseases that need the advice of experts and doctors.
  2. Do not continue aerosolization when the sick person is completely healed.
  3. Depending on the symptoms and symptoms of the disease, aerosols are suitable. For example, respiratory allergies, sneezing, allergic rhinitis can use inhaled corticosteroids. But if there is inflammation, superinfection may combine with more antibiotics .
  4. Do not misuse a nebulizer, a vapor that looks like a cough, runny nose . is using a nebulizer, it can cause 'addiction' and reduce a child's sense of smell.
  5. When making aerosols, ensure the cleanliness of tools, nebulizer and inhaler.

Above is our share on nasopharyngeal inhalation method, the effects of nebulizers and precautions when using the device. Hope it will help parents pay attention and do better in protecting and taking care of their babies' health!

Update 16 November 2019


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