Love is to be happy, forget about your past relationship and keep looking for happiness!

Here are 10 secrets to letting go of a past relationship and continue to find happiness for you. Invite you to consult!

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Would it be painful to give up and forget a deep relationship that you believe will be sustainable? However, forgetting an affair is one of the best ways you can do it. Love itself is a lesson. Learning to let go, learn to do well with the past, learning how to accept what you can't change is essential.Letting go means you should rethink the limits, negative relationships, become more definitive, or decide to stop contacting the person who has hurt you. You will get rid of suffering when you understand that you cannot force others to love you the way you want to.

Picture 1 of Love is to be happy, forget about your past relationship and keep looking for happiness!

Years ago, Chilean poet Pablo Neruda once wrote: " Let us forget with generosity the people who cannot love us " (roughly translated: " Be generous to forget those who can't love you "). In life, there are people who cannot maintain a healthy relationship.

Listen to the poet Neruda, say goodbye and wish them peace on their chosen path. Let go of a love affair is like crying a new person. You will find a way to deny reality, anger, consideration, obsession with love, about that person and then eventually, you will accept the truth. Here are 10 secrets to letting go of a past relationship and continue to find happiness for you . Invite you to consult!

1. Accept that this relationship has ended

Picture 2 of Love is to be happy, forget about your past relationship and keep looking for happiness!

This is the most difficult step but also the most important to let go of a love affair . If you cannot accept the fact that that love has ended, you will definitely not be able to digest suffering and loss. You need time to feel the pain and understand your own feelings. Accepting reality is a way to close the past that you should not ignore yourself. During this period, you can practice meditation to relax the spirit, find solace in the arts, your own pleasures or meet friends.

2. To heal the wound

Picture 3 of Love is to be happy, forget about your past relationship and keep looking for happiness!

You have the right to mourn for your love, suffering from losing it and letting that sadness be liberated. Give yourself the time to " digest " the pain of being swept away. Don't try to avoid anything. Don't make me forget too quickly. This will make you understand yourself better. If you are sensitive and find it difficult to give up, find a psychiatrist or a counselor to help you face the injury from past love. Remember, recovery is not a race.

3. Don't follow old people over the Internet and don't take revenge

Confucius once said:

" Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves ."

" At the beginning of the revenge journey, dig two grave tombs. "

Confucius's teachings are even more true in the context of a broken love affair. Maybe you feel very miserable and mistakenly believe that you want that person to suffer as well as you, there may be some people who cheer for your revenge. But in the vengeance game, no one will win. When trying to make others miserable because your anger only makes you become childish, dangerous and time consuming.

Picture 4 of Love is to be happy, forget about your past relationship and keep looking for happiness!

If you keep looking for ways to take revenge on them, the wound in your heart will not be able to recover. Don't follow him too much, both on the Internet and in real life. Surely you don't want to see them do things that you both did together or saw them pursue others? Reading their posts on social media only makes yourself stuck in false hopes.

See also: Love has 5 stages but most of us have to give up at the 3rd stage

4. If one party unilaterally terminates the relationship, do not try to " become friends "

Picture 5 of Love is to be happy, forget about your past relationship and keep looking for happiness!

Promoting a friendship right after a romantic break is too early and too much to endure. Feelings are not like light bulbs. If you or the person can do so, ask the doctor to examine it, which may be a psychological disorder. Remember that you cannot change or heal the wounds of others' souls for them. Suddenly changing from love to friendship is not a good way.

If the person keeps pushing you to become friends with them or keeping in touch, it may be a sign that they have a problem of giving up, their ability to hold back and keep themselves limited. However, it is also possible to force friendship to not feel sorry for you. You don't need to be friends or keep in touch with them. If you both agree to end the relationship, you can still become friends afterwards, but you must also give yourself some time and distance to make a decision. Remember, there are people who only love when they are far away.

5. Do not maintain close relationships with old people

Picture 6 of Love is to be happy, forget about your past relationship and keep looking for happiness!

This may seem obvious to some, but for many people this can easily become a common situation. Someone breaks up with you and you agree to continue to be friendly with them after they deny you love. This is really unfair. Not only does it make you stuck in a deadlock relationship, but it can be misleading that the other person wants to come back to you and restore the relationship. Active people will think that they only prolong this until they find someone else they want to pursue. This is a heartbreaking thing for persuaded people to believe that this gives them some meaning. Continuing to maintain an intimate relationship with your former partner will leave you with no room for other relationships. You will experience love again, with a person who comes to you and stays in your life.

6. Love life again

Picture 7 of Love is to be happy, forget about your past relationship and keep looking for happiness!

Stay in touch with friends and family and do what you love. Do things that you didn't do in the past because of fear. Focus energy again. You may have given away too much in an emotional relationship, forgetting yourself and your favorite things. Note that you yourself are very fragile, you can cry a little to overcome this is okay.

Make a list of your dreams and goals next year. Let's start working on them. Be a volunteer in the community, go on a route, climb a mountain, return to nature, write poetry, read a book, sit in silence, take a class, focus on your career, Back to school - and countless other options. Become the person you've always wanted. Write down what you are proud of yourself and review this list when you feel down. When you begin your journey of love and self-acceptance, you will find yourself attracting quality friendships that allow you to assert yourself.

7. Reflect on what can't be done in the relationship

Picture 8 of Love is to be happy, forget about your past relationship and keep looking for happiness!

Once you are out of suffering and accept them, you will be able to see things more clearly. Maybe when you look back on the relationship, you will notice signs or bad things. Take that experience to have a better relationship - such as romance. Maybe you or a person is a person who is passive or avoiding conflict, dependent, or someone who likes to please others. Ending can be a great new start.

See also: 12 identifying signs that you are in love

8. Do not rush to have a new relationship

Picture 9 of Love is to be happy, forget about your past relationship and keep looking for happiness!

Some people often have other people hand in hand when a relationship has just ended. Some people try to replace the old relationship with a new relationship as soon as possible to avoid feeling lost, lonely or in pain. Don't hug someone into your arms and don't hurt others like you. It is not fair to them when you are trying to forget the old person. But unfortunately, you may not be able to control a broken heart. If that's as simple as that, no one will need to read the article about forgiveness and the way to go after ending a relationship? When the right time, you will know it. Give yourself some time and space to understand whether this new relationship is a healthy and positive relationship.

9. Save all photos, gifts and love letters

Picture 10 of Love is to be happy, forget about your past relationship and keep looking for happiness!

Everyday wake up with old photos and love letters from the past will not help you forget and continue your path. You will continue to dream about old people, old relationships even if it is not a great relationship. You should put all your photos, gifts and letters in a special locked souvenir box and put them out of your sight. If this is also unstoppable, you may have to burn these precious things as a way to release your negative emotions. In addition, you can also reuse these items and turn them into a work of art that shows what's happening. Give away or recycle for other purposes.

10. Remember that there is not only one "true love" for each person

Picture 11 of Love is to be happy, forget about your past relationship and keep looking for happiness!

There are people who come into our lives for a short time to teach us lessons or give us the opportunity to experience new ways of thinking. We will continue to recall the same things until we realize this lesson. Even if you love someone and keep going like that, maybe they won't be the only ones you love. Suppose that happens and that will happen. You don't need to beg someone to love you or care for you, the way you did for them. Give yourself an opportunity to end and start over in a better way than you have experienced before.

Having fun!

Update 24 May 2019


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