Why do you feel happier when you love and live healthier?

Join TipsMake.com to consult 10 simple reasons why you love and feel happy and live healthier!
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Sometimes dating becomes fun - meeting new friends, exploring new places together, feeling excited about thinking about a new relationship in the future. However, please honestly answer: Will you really like that? Do you feel stressed when you have to choose a dating place, think what you should wear or what you will say to that person? Do you feel happy when you have to manage to talk at dinner without sneaking out of the bathroom window? Can you laugh when waiting for your partner to make an offer for the next date?

Exactly. Dating is not interesting at a certain point. However, do not feel as if you have settled down when you find your special person. Love relationships are not boring. In fact, being in love with your life will become better and you will also feel healthier. Here are 10 simple reasons why you love to be happy and live healthier when you love . Invite you to consult!

1. Not as selfish as before

Why do you feel happier when you love and live healthier? Picture 1Why do you feel happier when you love and live healthier? Picture 1

How many times have you felt too tired to cook dinner for yourself? I was one of them. But when I found out that my lover went through a hard day, I felt like I had the strength to get rid of all my fatigue to do things that made him feel comfortable. When you love someone, you will think of that person more than yourself - this is not just limited to your lover. In general, paying attention to the feelings of a certain person will make you think about the feelings of others - this will benefit both you and the people around you!

2. Feeling more relaxed and less stressed

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Having a lover means you have one more person to share the joy and sadness in your life. If you spend a busy day, he or she can help you do chores when you return. Having a person in mind means you have a person to confide in. Don't forget how stressful you'll feel when you go to a party or bar and feel like you need to get someone's attention. Conversely, when you have a serious emotional relationship with that person they will always be by your side and wait for you at home. You are not forced to meet and impress them. In fact, a serious love relationship will prevent the production of a stress hormone called cortisol!

3. Less depressed

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One of the symptoms of depression is loneliness. When there is a lover at your side, you will no longer feel lonely. Because you know there is always a person by your side, ready to do everything to help you just to make you feel happier. You have someone to talk to, cuddle with, a person who is always with you, even when you're happy or sad.

4. Feeling happier

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Is this obvious? Of course you will feel less stressed, more bored and happier. There are even many scientific studies that prove that married people live happier and longer than single people. That doesn't mean you need to find someone to love today, it doesn't mean you are single as a felony. However, on the health aspect, this seems to be true.

See also: Love has 5 stages but most of us have to give up at the 3rd stage

5. Feel like being strengthened

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Reality may not be so. But surely you will feel the same. Do you know all the great emotions when in a happy relationship? That's when your body produces love hormones called oxytocin.Oxytocin not only makes you feel comfortable, it also helps boost your body's immune system. Therefore, you will get less sick and your wounds will heal faster. Love may not be a real medicine but certainly we can feel it as the best medicine.

6. Someone who understands himself better than himself

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How many times have you and your lover said the same thing at the same time, received the gift you wanted from the other half, or said: " That's what I'm thinking ". Is that interesting? Above all, this means they can recognize when you feel happy or sad to share with you, help dispel sadness and feel better. Having a person who knows me better than myself is really a great feeling.

7. Know more about yourself

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It seems that when you love someone you will learn everything about that person. You will definitely do so. However, during that time, you will also learn more about yourself. You will see how you treat others, or how attentive you are. You will also know good things about yourself that I haven't thought of for a long time and they can also make you better, as well as change your life. On the other hand, you will know about your bad things. Everything bad about you will reveal itself when you love. However, once you know your weaknesses, you can solve it and fix it. Understanding yourself will help you become better - as well as a better person to date.

8. The world is expanded

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When you love, you will know about the interests of the other half. You will know about new writers, new musicians and many other films - which you already know very well! You will meet new friends to talk and hang out with. You will also meet the family of the other half and hope to become closer to them.

9. Learn how to compromise

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In any relationship, you must know how to share. You share the living space, the plan for dinner, as well as the outings with friends. You break the holiday with many of your families. You learn to give some and get some back. This makes you a better person because you are showing them the love, the flexibility, and the fact that you care about the relationship enough that you can get along.

See also: 8 signs to know your relationship will not go anywhere

10. Healthy living together

Why do you feel happier when you love and live healthier? Picture 10Why do you feel happier when you love and live healthier? Picture 10

All of these tips will definitely make you feel your life will be better and healthier when there is half at your side. But what about being really healthy with your other half? You have an exercise person, run around the neighborhood or be inspired so you can move in the living room. The other half will be the biggest motivation for your exercise.

Having fun!

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