Liver surgery is rare in newborns

A rare liver surgery performed on the body of a six-and-a-half-year-old infant and weighed only 5.5 kg.

A rare liver surgery performed on the body of a six-and-a-half-year-old infant and weighed only 5.5 kg.

The Apollo Hospital in Jubilee Hills was led by Dr. Manish C Varma, who performed the first rare rare liver transplant on a six-and-a-half-month boy and weighed just over 5 kg named Nitesh with the disease The bile ducts lead to severe narrowing of the liver .

Transplants are performed by taking a piece of liver from the father of the child, this process is carried out on October 13, 2016. After that, the liver piece was grafted into the liver part of the child, and now the bile duct system of the liver performs bile conductivity, eliminating the immediate excretion of the liver.

Picture 1 of Liver surgery is rare in newborns
Photo source: Internet

Previously, hepatic biliary stenosis is a condition of liver disease that prevents bile from flowing through the liver, through bile ducts to the intestinal tract.

It is known that bile plays a very important role in digesting fat in the body as well as bringing waste products from the liver to the intestine. On average, the world has about 1 / 10,000 - 1/15000 rate of babies suffering from this birth disorder.

If a liver transplant is not available, Nitesh will become malnourished, easily infected, develop cirrhosis and most will live no more than two years.

This infant showed signs of jaundice several weeks after birth. Thus, Nitesh's parents consulted with the doctor at Appolo Hospital before performing a liver transplant from his father and then transplanting it to a six-and-a-half-year-old boy.

Now Nitesh has been discharged from the hospital and he will have to take anti-waste drugs, inhibit his lifelong immunity. However, in the long term, children can still grow and develop like any other normal child, not suffer from intellectual disabilities, or decline in life expectancy. - Dr. Manish Varma added.

Update 24 May 2019


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