What is good for the liver, effective cooling of liver and acne?
The liver is one of the most important parts of the body, specializing in functions such as metabolism, bile formation, storage and detoxification.The health of the liver is greatly influenced by the daily diet.So what should we eat, should we eat nothing to be good for the liver ?Find out through TipsMake.com's article!
What is good for the liver?
Poor diet is one of the causes of liver diseases such as hepatitis, cirrhosis, liver failure, liver cancer, . If you still do not know what to eat to supplement your liver, refer to The following foods:
Garlic: Allicin-supplied garlic helps the liver perform its detoxification function;Activate enzymes to remove toxins from the body.Besides, selenium in garlic also supports liver detoxification, prevention of liver cancer.
What is good for the liver, effective cooling of liver and acne? Picture 1
Garlic - helps support liver detoxification and prevention of cancer
Grapefruit, orange: What to eat to be good for the liver?Grapefruit and oranges are the ideal choice.These two fruits contain many vitamin C and antioxidants, support liver purification of toxins, and prevent liver diseases such as liver cancer.
Beetroots and carrots: Beetroots and carrots contain a lot of plant flavonoid, beta-carotene and pectin to increase the effectiveness of liver detoxification, improve liver function.
Green leafy vegetables:Green leafy vegetables (eg spinach, spinach, vegetables, sweet potatoes, .) often have high levels of chlorophylls, help neutralize heavy metals, chemicals and pesticides. Deep, remove blood toxins and protect liver function.
Butter: Butter is a very nutritious food.It helps the body produce more glutathione - one of the substances necessary for the metabolism of toxins in the body.Eating butter regularly can help you improve liver function.
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Eating butter regularly helps keep your liver healthy
Apples: Eating apples daily will supplement your body pectin - a substance that plays a role in eliminating toxins in the digestive tract, supporting liver function.
Olive oil: Lipid in olive oil can absorb toxic substances in the body, thereby reducing the burden on the liver.
Broccoli: In broccoli contains glucosinolate - a natural enzyme, added to enzymes produced by the liver - has the effect of increasing the elimination of toxins from the body, limiting the risk of cancer.
What should be avoided to be good for the liver?
What you eat is good for your liver.So what about foods that are harmful to the liver?Here is a list of foods and drinks you need to avoid if you don't want liver diseases:
Alcohol and beer:According to the World Cancer Research Organization, alcohol is the number one cause of liver diseases such as cirrhosis, liver cancer, liver failure.Drinking alcohol regularly makes the liver more active and more vulnerable.
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Alcohol - the No. 1 enemy of the liver
Fast food:Fast foods high in fat, bad cholesterol.They are not only enemies with the liver but also other parts of the body.
Salt:Many people believe that eating too much salt will lead to high blood pressure and risk of fatty liver disease.So, limit salt in your daily diet but don't mean completely eliminating it.
Fresh bamboo shoots: Freshshoots are probably the favorite food of many people.But eating too much fresh bamboo shoots is not good for the liver.In fresh bamboo shoots contains very high levels of cyanide.When in the body, cyanide is converted into cyanhydric acid (HCN) - an extremely toxic substance that harms the liver.
Eat a lot of meat:Meat, especially red meats often contain saturated fat, bad cholesterol.To resolve them, the liver and kidneys will have to be more active, under more pressure.
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Do not eat too much meat to protect the liver
In addition to building a scientific diet, you should also use somedietary supplementsto helpfortify theliverand enhance liver function to keep your liver healthy.
Hopefully, after our article, you will know what to eat and should not eat anything good for the liver.ContactMETA.vnfor advice and order quality liver tonic.
>>> More references:
- Top 7 foods that contain the most zinc
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