WHO revealed an amazing number of people with hepatitis B and C

The World Health Organization officially revealed the horrific number of the situation of two hepatitis B and C infections globally.

The World Health Organization officially revealed the horrific number of the situation of two hepatitis B and C infections globally.

Accordingly, 325 million people worldwide are the number of people with hepatitis B, C that WHO just announced. Currently, WHO has also issued warnings, raising the level of danger and casualties of these two diseases in the health of the global community.

It is known that hepatitis generally killed 1.34 million people in 2015, a figure equivalent to HIV disease and tuberculosis.

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WHO revealed an amazing number of people with hepatitis B and C Picture 1WHO revealed an amazing number of people with hepatitis B and C Picture 1

The rate of death from hepatitis increased faster than HIV and tuberculosis, according to WHO, this rate increased to 22% from 2000-2014.

Hepatitis usually has no symptoms, especially hepatitis B and C also increases the risk of Parkinson's disease, cirrhosis, liver cancer if not treated promptly.

The reason is that due to poor living environment quality, bacteria, disease, it is the subjectivity of the community that has spread the virus spread everywhere.

For hepatitis B, mainly spread through body fluids such as blood and semen, only 9% of patients are aware of their condition and signs. And with hepatitis C, this disease is mainly spread through blood, only 20% of patients are aware of their condition and signs.

The statement in the speech, WHO also emphasized that the subjective neglect as well as the lack of access of infected people, the risk of infection with testing as well as specific treatment, in the long run, the pathogen progresses. Slow growth will lead to chronic liver disease, liver cancer and death.

Currently, hepatitis B is the most severe form of hepatitis in the Western Pacific region according to WHO statistics including China, Malaysia and Southeast Asia. An estimated 115 million people live in the area infected with the virus. The second is Africa with 60 million cases of hepatitis B.

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