Learn to forgive yourself

I have learned that the person I have to ask for the most forgiveness is myself.

"Forgiveness is to release a prisoner and find out that the prisoner is me" (To forgives is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you).


In a certain city, there was a woman with a very bad temper. She always screamed and scolded the people around her. Throughout her life, she believed that her anger was the fault of others. However, one morning waking up, she realized that she had separated herself from all the people she cared about. She has no friends and even the family doesn't want to have anything to do with her. At that moment, she realized that she really needed to change.

She went to see a Buddhist monk revered by everyone for advice. The monk told her to take clay pots from the kitchen, pour water into the jar and wait outside the sidewalk."The outside is very hot and there are a lot of people walking back and forth. When a person passes by, I have to invite them a glass of water. Do it until I don't feel angry in him anymore."

The girl felt a little confused because she did not understand why this action would help her dispel the anger. However, she heard that the monk was very famous for his supernatural wisdom and advanced healing methods, so she was willing to do anything to heal her relationship with her loved ones.

Picture 1 of Learn to forgive yourself


So she stood outside with the jar and poured water for all passersby every day for weeks afterwards. Every morning, she wondered if anger was in her body again and received the corresponding "yes" answer. So she continued to invite people to drink water. Until one afternoon, a muscular man passed by and jerked the vase from her hand and poured out the water before throwing it to the ground. After that, he continued walking without caring about her presence.

The girl's anger suddenly reached the peak. Unable to control herself, she picked up the clay pot and pitched it hard at the burly man walking. The vase broke into pieces, the man fell unconscious on the ground and his head was bloody.

When the anger subsided, the girl realized the seriousness of what she had done and began to cry. She uses a public phone to call 911 and report the incident. After a while, the ambulance and police car appeared. After completing the procedures, a policeman approached her and said, "This city owes you a thank you. That man is on the list of dangerous criminals being wanted. He was the main suspect in many murder and robberies ".

Picture 2 of Learn to forgive yourself


If it is truly positive and right in everything, it will be very helpful for ourselves and those around us. However, everything in life does not happen linearly and is not predictable. At times, we make mistakes or have a negative attitude to the situation, but the surprise is that they can totally benefit each person and others in a way we never understand. .

Even in the darkest moments there will always be a light radiating inside each person. So learn to forgive yourself to see those good things.

Update 24 May 2019


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