Some changes to the overall layout, like custom fonts and theme colors, can be done quickly from the Design tab .
If you want to change something on all slides, you can edit Slide Master. In the example in this article, we will add the logo to each slide.
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1. Select the View tab , then click the Slide Master command .
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2. The presentation will switch to Slide Master and Slide Master tab will be selected on Ribbon.
3. In the left navigation, scroll up and select the first slide. This is Slide Master .
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4. Make the desired changes to Slide Master. In the example in this article, we will insert the Mongibello logo into the slide.
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5. Move, resize or delete objects in the slide as needed. In the example, the logo size will be changed and moved to the lower right corner.
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6. When finished, click the Close Master View command on the Slide Master tab.
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7. The change will appear on all slides of the presentation.
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When making changes to Slide Master, users should review their presentation to see how it affects each slide. Maybe some slides will have problems. In the next section, the article will show you how to fix this by customizing the slide layout separately.
Users can use Slide Master to modify any slide layout in their presentation. It's easy to make minor adjustments such as adjusting background graphics or more important changes such as rearranging or deleting the placeholder. Unlike slide master, changes to the slide layout will only be applied to slides that use that layout in a presentation.
In this example, the new logo is added hidden behind the image in Picture with Caption Layout . We will customize this layout to make room for the logo.
1. Open Slide Master.
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2. Locate and select the desired layout in the left navigation pane. You can hover over each layout to see which slides are currently using that layout in the presentation.
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3. In some layouts, background graphics may be hidden. To display graphics, uncheck Hide Background Graphics .
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4. Add, move or delete any object as desired. In this example, we will delete the gray PowerPoint background.
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5. If you want to change the arrangement of the placeholders, users can move, resize or delete any of them. In the example, we will move the placeholder to the text, the black bar to the right and the placeholder for the image to the left.
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6. When finished, click the Close Master View command on the Slide Master tab .
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7. All slides using the layout will be updated.
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You can also move placeholders on the master slide. Note that this will also move placeholders on multiple slide layouts at once. However, some slide layouts may still need to be manually adjusted.
Users can also customize the text format from Slide Master view, including fonts, text size, colors and alignment. For example, if you want to change the font for every placeholder for the title in the presentation, you can modify the main title type on the slide master.
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Each placeholder for the title section is connected to the main title type on the master slide. For example, see the slides before changing the title font.
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Now look at the same slides after changing the title font.
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Instead of customizing individual placeholders, users can change the theme's font. From the Slide Master tab , click the Fonts command in the Background group , then select the desired font.
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One of Slide Master's most powerful features is the creation of a new slide layout. This is an easy way to add interesting and unique slide layouts to an existing theme. You can even use this feature to design a whole new topic, as in the example below.
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1. Navigate to Slide Master view . From the Slide Master tab , click the Insert Layout command .
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2. New slide layout will appear.
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3. The layout will include a placeholder for the title and footer by default. Click on the Title and Footers box in the Master Layout group to enable and disable these placeholders.
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4. You can now add background graphics, shapes and images to the slide layout. You can also move, adjust and delete existing placeholders. In the example, we will move the placeholder for the title into the lower right corner. Text is also changed to right-aligned instead of left-aligned.
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5. To add a new placeholder, click the lower part of the Insert Placeholder command , then select the desired type. In this example, we will use Picture.
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6. Click and drag to draw the placeholder on the slide.
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When completing the custom layout design, the user should give it an easy-to-find name.
1. From Slide Master view , select the desired layout, then click the Rename command .
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2. A dialog box will appear. Enter the desired name, then click Rename.
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Once you've created a custom slide layout, it's easy to add a new slide to that layout or apply it to an existing slide.
1. If currently in Slide Master view , click the Close Master View command on the Slide Master tab .
2. From the Home tab , users can insert a new slide with a custom layout or apply it to an existing slide. In this example, we will select Layout and apply the new style to slide 6.
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3. Custom slide layout will be applied.
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PowerPoint also allows adding new placeholder to existing slide layouts.
When modifying the slide or slide master layout in Slide Master view, you are actually creating a customized version for the current theme. If you want to apply this theme to other presentations, you'll need to save it.
From the Slide Master tab , click the Themes command , then select Save Current Theme from the drop-down menu.
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If not in Slide Master view , you can save the theme from the Design tab . Just click the drop-down arrow in the Themes group , then select Save Current Theme .
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Good luck!
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