106 tricks with Microsoft Office - PowerPoint
Microsoft PowerPoint
Hide slides
In a Microsoft PowerPoint presentation, sometimes you want to hide a slide - reference information slides or further explain the meaning - and only access this slide when necessary. The hidden slides will not be displayed on the slide screen unless you instruct PowerPoint to access the slide.
To hide a slide first, move the cursor to the slide you want to hide and then on Slide Show | Hide Slide.
Remember when the slide number is hidden so that during the presentation you can easily access the hidden slide by pressing the hidden slide number and pressing Enter. If you have a lot of hidden slides and are not in any order, you can use the H shortcut to move to the next hidden slide. To return to the presentation, right-click on the demo screen and select Go | Previous Viewed. (This command may be different in different versions of PowerPoint).
Or you can create a button that switches slides on your presentation screen by going to Slide Show | Action Settings.
Align object
106 tricks with Microsoft Office - PowerPoint Picture 1
In PowerPoint, it is possible to automatically position or align objects without using a grid or guide.To perform this task, try the following.
First, select all objects that need to be positioned (note when selecting multiple objects, hold down the Ctrl key). Then select the Draw button - this button is located at the bottom left-hand corner of the PowerPoint window, just above the Windows Start button - and select 'Align or Distribute' then select an appropriate alignment model for you among the models that PowerPoint offers.
Each slide has a different background color
If you want your presentation to be richly varied by setting the background color for each slide or a different group of slides. To do this, try the following.
Select the slide or slide group you want to set a different background color from the other slides, choose Format | Slide Background. In the Slide Background window, after you have selected the appropriate background color, check the box 'Omit background graphics from master' then select Apply. You are as you want.
Moving objects more accurately
If you use a mouse to move an object in a small range, it is sometimes inaccurate and satisfactory. Use the keyboard instead. First select the object you want to move and use the up-down-left-to-right arrow keys to move your object. Each time such a move the object will move
Demonstrate each slide separately
While you are composing and presenting each of your slides, sometimes you want to preview how the slide shows up on the presentation screen.But if you use PowerPoint's preview feature, you will have to watch all the slides and on the full screen presentation screen.So try pressing and holding the Ctrl key every time you select View Show |Slide Show.The slide you are editing is displayed in a small window and is very convenient for you.To turn off that screen, right-click and select End Show.
You should read it
- Manage slides in PowerPoint 2016
- Basic information about slides in PowerPoint 2016
- Hide and show slides in PowerPoint
- How to Change the Background on PowerPoint Slides
- Create slides from an existing slide in PowerPoint
- How to make slides run automatically in PowerPoint
- 7 pages of PowerPoint slide templates help your presentations 'sublimate'
- Insert slides in PowerPoint
- How to make PowerPoint for beginners
- How to Add Background Graphics to Powerpoint
- How to Move Slides in PowerPoint
- Free download of beautiful PowerPoint and Google Slides slides designed by Google