Keyboard shortcuts in Excel 2007, 2013, 2016, 2010, 2003, 2019, 2021

When working with Excel, using shortcuts not only saves time but also improves work efficiency. Taking advantage of basic and advanced shortcuts in Excel helps you perform operations more quickly and efficiently, from copying data to formatting cells and tables.

For professional workers, using shortcuts is an art. If you are an accountant or someone who regularly works with Excel, using shortcuts in Excel is the best thing to do because it saves you a lot of time. However, you need to remember them well to get the best performance in Excel.

I. Basic and most commonly used Excel shortcuts

Numerical order Commonly used Excel shortcuts Function
1 Ctrl + Z key Go back to the previous step
2 Ctrl + Y Go to the next step
3 Ctrl + C Copy content in Excel
4 Ctrl + X Copy and delete the contents of the selected cell
5 Ctrl + V Paste copied data into Excel cell
6 F2 Edit the cell where the mouse cursor is located
7 Alt + Enter Line break in the same cell
8 Enter Line break
9 Shift + Enter Key Move to the cell above
10 Tab / Shift + Tab Transfer
11 Esc Undo edits in a cell
12 Backspace Delete the character to the left of the text cursor, or delete all data in the selected spreadsheet
13 Delete key Delete the character to the right of the text cursor, or delete all data in the selected spreadsheet
14 Ctrl + Delete Delete text to end of line
15 Ctrl + Shift + : (colon) Insert current time
16 Alt + H, A, R Align data to the right of the cell
17 Alt + H, A, C Center data in cell
18 Alt + H, A, I Align data to the left of the cell
19 Ctrl + PageDown  Move to the left sheet
20 Ctrl + W Close Excel spreadsheet
21 Ctrl + O Open new excel spreadsheet
22 Ctrl + S Save Excel spreadsheet
23 Ctrl + N Create a new workbook
24 Ctrl + F4 Close Excel tool
25 Ctrl + ; Enter the date into the data table
26 Ctrl + Shift + ; Enter time into data table
27 Alt + A Go to the Data tab on the toolbar
28 Alt + W Go to the View tab on the toolbar
29 Alt + M Go to the Formula tab on the toolbar

In addition, these common Excel shortcuts can also be applied to many other software, so you should try to remember these shortcuts, it will be very useful to you.

Keyboard shortcuts in Excel 2007, 2013, 2016, 2010, 2003, 2019, 2021 Picture 1Keyboard shortcuts in Excel 2007, 2013, 2016, 2010, 2003, 2019, 2021 Picture 1

Besides the default shortcuts in Excel, you can completely create your own shortcuts. Details on how to create shortcuts in Excel are detailed in the article below.

 Best tips  to remember Excel shortcuts

- You need to limit the use of the mouse and try to use the keyboard as much as possible. This work may be a bit slow at first if you are not used to it, but later it will help you speed up your operations because you have remembered and become familiar with the shortcut keys.

- In addition, to use shortcuts quickly, you need to practice typing with 10 fingers, not only practice typing letters, practice typing function keys, without looking at the keyboard. 

- If you use a laptop, use a separate keyboard with large, easy-to-type keys.

II. Advanced Excel shortcuts when working with selected data

1. Shortcut keys to select cells in Excel

Shift + Space (Spacebar): Select all data in the row.
Ctrl + Space (Spacebar): Select all data in the column.
Ctrl + Shift + * (asterisk): Select the entire area around the active cell.
Ctrl + A key (can press Ctrl + Shift + Spacebar ): Select the entire Excel spreadsheet.
Ctrl + Shift + Page Up key : Select the current and previous sheet in the same Excel file.
Ctrl + Shift + Page Down key : Select the current and previous sheet in the same Excel file.
Shift + arrow keys : Select more cells in the spreadsheet.
Shift + Page Down key / Shift + Page Up key : Select multiple cells down to the bottom of the screen / up to the top of the screen.
Shift + Home key : Select multiple cells at the beginning of the row.
Ctrl + Shift + Home key : Select to the beginning of the spreadsheet.
Ctrl + Shift + End key: Select to the last used cell on the spreadsheet.

Keyboard shortcuts in Excel 2007, 2013, 2016, 2010, 2003, 2019, 2021 Picture 2Keyboard shortcuts in Excel 2007, 2013, 2016, 2010, 2003, 2019, 2021 Picture 2

2. Excel shortcut keys for managing selected areas

F8: Turn on the feature to extend the selection area. After pressing F6, you use the arrow keys
Shift + F8 key: Add a range of cells to select. Use the arrow keys and Shift + arrow keys to add to the selection.
Enter / Shift + Enter: Move the current cell down, up
Tab / Shift + Tab key : Move the current cell selection to the right, left
Esc key : Cancel the selected area.

3. Excel shortcut keys to edit inside cells

Shift + Left Arrow / Shift + Right Arrow: Select or deselect a character to the left, right.
Ctrl + Shift + Left Arrow / Ctrl + Shift + Right Arrow: Select or deselect a word to the left, right.
Shift + Home / Shift + End: Select from the text cursor to the beginning, to the end of the cell.

III. Excel shortcut keys for navigating spreadsheets

Arrow Keys: Move up, down, left, or right in a worksheet.
Page Down / Page Up: Move to the bottom of a worksheet/to the top of a worksheet.
Alt + Page Down / Alt + Page Up: Move one screen right/left in a worksheet.
Alt + H + A+ C: Center cell contents.
Alt + H + B: Add a border.
Tab / Shift + Tab: Move one cell right/left in a worksheet.
Home: Move to the first cell of a row in a worksheet.
Ctrl + Home: Move to the first cell in a worksheet.
Ctrl + End: Move to the last cell containing content in a worksheet.
Ctrl + F: Display the Find and Replace dialog box (with the Find section open).
Ctrl + H: Display the Find and Replace dialog box (with the Replace section open).
Shift + F4: Repeat the previous search.
Ctrl + G (or F5): Display the 'Go to' dialog box.
Ctrl + Left Arrow / Ctrl + Right Arrow : Inside a cell: Move to the cell to the left or right of that cell.
Alt + Down Arrow : Display the AutoComplete list.

Keyboard shortcuts in Excel 2007, 2013, 2016, 2010, 2003, 2019, 2021 Picture 3Keyboard shortcuts in Excel 2007, 2013, 2016, 2010, 2003, 2019, 2021 Picture 3

IV. Shortcut keys in Excel to insert and edit data

1. Excel shortcut keys to edit active or selected cells

Ctrl + D: Copy the content of the cell above.
Ctrl + R: Copy the content of the cell to the left.
Ctrl + ": Copy the content of the cell above and in editing state.
Ctrl + ': Copy the formula of the cell above and in editing state.
Ctrl + –: Display the menu to delete cells / rows / columns.
Ctrl + Shift + + : Display the menu to insert cells / rows / columns.
Shift + F2 : Insert / Edit a comment cell.
Shift + F10, then M : Delete comment.
Alt + F1: Create and insert a chart with data in the current range.
F11: Create, insert a chart with data in the current range in a separate chart sheet.
Ctrl + K : Insert a link.
Enter (in a cell containing a link): Open the link using the default browser on the computer

Keyboard shortcuts in Excel 2007, 2013, 2016, 2010, 2003, 2019, 2021 Picture 4Keyboard shortcuts in Excel 2007, 2013, 2016, 2010, 2003, 2019, 2021 Picture 4

2. Shortcuts in Excel to Hide and Show Elements

Ctrl + 9: Hide the selected row in Excel.
Ctrl + Shift + 9: Show the hidden row in the selected area containing that row.
Ctrl + 0 (number 0) : Hide the selected column in Excel
Ctrl + Shift + 0 (number 0) : Show the hidden column in the selected area.
Note: In Excel 2010, this does not work. To show the hidden column, press: Ctrl + Z.
Alt + Shift + Right arrow: Group rows or columns.
Alt + Shift + Left arrow: Ungroup rows or columns.

V. Excel shortcuts related to data formatting

1. Excel key to format cells

Ctrl + 1: Displays the Format dialog box.
Ctrl + B (or Ctrl + 2): Apply or remove bold formatting.
Ctrl + I (or Ctrl + 3): Apply or remove italic formatting.
Ctrl + U (or Ctrl + 4): Apply or remove an underline.
Ctrl + 5: Apply or remove strikethrough formatting.
Alt + ' (apostrophe): Displays the Style dialog box.

Keyboard shortcuts in Excel 2007, 2013, 2016, 2010, 2003, 2019, 2021 Picture 5Keyboard shortcuts in Excel 2007, 2013, 2016, 2010, 2003, 2019, 2021 Picture 5

2. Excel shortcut keys for number formatting

Ctrl + Shift + $: Apply currency format with two decimal places.
Ctrl + Shift + ~: Apply General number format.
Ctrl + Shift + #: Apply date format with day, month, and year.
Ctrl + Shift + @ : Apply time format with hours, minutes, and AM or PM indication.
Ctrl + Shift + ^ : Apply scientific number format with two decimal places.
F4: Repeat last format selection.

3. Excel shortcuts using formulas

=> Start a formula.
Shift + F3: Displays the Insert Function dialog box.
Ctrl + A: Displays the input method after entering the name of the formula.
Ctrl + Shift + A: Inserts the arguments in the formula after entering the name of the formula.
Shift + F3: Inserts a function as a formula.
Ctrl + Shift + Enter: Enters the formula as an array formula.
F9: Calculates all tables in all worksheets.
Shift + F9: Calculates the active worksheet.
Ctrl + Shift + U : Toggles the formula bar expanded or collapsed.
Ctrl + ': Toggles the display of the formula in the cell instead of the value.

Above are some Excel shortcuts for accountants that are often used to handle many tasks. In addition, you can refer to many  shortcuts in Word  to help you edit Word documents faster.

If you often log in to Gmail to send emails to friends and business partners, you should also pay attention to the shortcuts in Gmail to speed up the process of composing emails and sending emails.

Bên cạnh đó, còn rất nhiều bộ phím tắt Windows 11 mà các bạn có thể tham khảo theo bài viết dưới đây

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