Japan tests the world's most powerful synthetic nuclear research supercomputer

Japan is launching a Cray XC50 supercomputer for advanced nuclear synthesis research, which will begin production this year.

Japan is launching a Cray XC50 supercomputer for advanced nuclear synthesis research, which will begin production this year. After the Cray XC50 supercomputer was born, it would be the world's most powerful computer in the field of nuclear fusion (nuclear fusion).

The National Research Institute for Quantum & Optical Science and Technology has chosen this computer for research, and the computer will be installed at the Rokkasho Energy Research Institute, one of the county research centers. big Japanese.

This calculator will be used for local nuclear synthetic science experiments, and is responsible for assisting ITER, a giant multinational nuclear synthesis project led by the EU, in the finish.

Picture 1 of Japan tests the world's most powerful synthetic nuclear research supercomputer

More than a thousand researchers from Japan and other countries can use this system, mainly to calculate plasma and calculate fusion energy.

With the potential of this new supercomputer, Japan has shut down its previous, older system, called Helios, which was ranked the 15th most powerful supercomputer in 2012.

The latest Japanese supercomputer system has not been officially named. But this is still not the most powerful supercomputer in the world. Switzerland has the world's third most powerful supercomputer, according to the November ranking, which also runs on the Cray XC50 system.

The United States has also invested heavily in the race to build supercomputers, which has funded a total of 258 million US dollars in the past year for companies like Cray, AMD, Intel, NVIDIA and others. In order to build supercomputers, one billion billions of calculations can be performed every second, for research purposes.

See more:

  1. China has won the world's best supercomputer from the United States
  2. The world's largest virtual universe created by Chinese supercomputers
  3. Video admires the world's fastest supercomputer
Update 24 May 2019


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